1. First Day of School

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(Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this new story! I have wanted to write a story about a nightmare before Christmas for so long and now I finally can! Yay!)

As soon as the alarm clock went off I didn't hesitate to jump out of bed. Wow, I never do that. I thought to myself. Oh, who cares! First day of school! I'm so excited!

I ran to my closet and grabbed the outfit I saved specifically for today. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

I got out and blow-dried my hair. (I have a friend whose hair is so thick that he can't take showers before school cause it takes too long to dry so if your hair is like that pretend you didn't take a shower)

I brushed my hair and teeth and decided on keeping my hair down. (You can choose if you want to wear makeup or not)

I quickly put on my outfit and looked in the mirror to make sure I liked it.

I quickly put on my outfit and looked in the mirror to make sure I liked it

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I smiled, happy with the outfit. I walked out of the bathroom and downstairs to see Mom and Dad making breakfast.

"Morning!" I said happily.

"Since when do you get up so early?" Dad asked with a laugh. I laughed along with him and walked up to my Mom.

"Thank you for convincing Dad to let me go to school" I whispered. She smiled and nodded.

"Did you remember your doll?" Mom asked.

"Oh, be right back!" I said. I ran back up the stairs and grabbed my doll off my top shelf.

You might think it's weird that a senior in high school carries her doll around with her or let alone has dolls. This is different though...

I'm not like the other monsters. Because I'm not a monster at all. I'm a human. My parents passed away and I somehow found myself in Halloween Town.

I had this doll with me. It has my mother and father's signature on it. It's the only thing I have left of them so...I carry it around everywhere. It's almost like them being here with me.

I'm not complaining about Jack and Sally being my parents because they are amazing, but it sure would have been nice to have at least one memory with my real parents.

"Y/N!" I heard Dad call snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Coming, Dad!" I shouted. I carefully held the doll in my arms as I walked down the stairs.

I walked into the living room and Mom brought our breakfast to us.

"Okay, so we need to go over some things" Dad began. I sighed knowing exactly where this was going.

"Yes, Dad," I said.

"First of all, what are we not going to do?" He asked.

"Bully people" I answered.

"Good job, and what are we gonna do?" Dad asked.

"Make friends" I answered.

"And who are we NOT going to be friends with?" Dad questioned.

"Lock, Shock, and Barrel" I answered proudly.

"That's the most important one. They are nothing but trouble. Don't trust them, don't talk to them, don't look at them, don't even breathe in their direction" Dad said sternly. I had to hold back a laugh at Dad's rant.

"Yes, sir," I said.

"Okay, your Mom and I are gonna walk you to the bus, okay?" Dad said. I nodded in agreement.

I quickly ate my food and made sure I had everything. I then began to walk to the bus with my parents.

We got there and we sat waiting for the bus. People walking by would say things like 'you're growing up so fast or 'you're so grown up!'

The bus finally came and I waved to my parents. I hopped on the bus and found a seat.

I waved bye to my parents from the window as we drove away.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't Jack Skellington's daughter" I heard a voice say. I looked up and immediately recognized the person to be Lock.

Father had shown me a picture of them so I would know what to look out for. I looked out the window and did my best to ignore them.

Barrel and Shock sat down in my seat with me. Lock was in the seat behind me and I was practically squished.

"What's this?" Barrel asked as he reached for my doll. I smacked his hand away.

"Oh, she's feisty! I like it!" Shock said sending a wink my way.

"Stop talking to me," I said as I sat up straighter.

"Oh, look. Princess is sitting so posh like" Lock said. He put his hand on my head and messed up my hair.

"Stop" I stated simply as I fixed my hair and tried to show no emotion toward them.

"Come on, princess. Lighten up. We're just playing" Barrel said.

"My father said NOT to speak to you," I said crossing my arms.

"Like I give a shit what your father says. Who are you 'Draco Malfoy'?" Lock said with a scoff.

"You're one to talk. You look like a hot Cheeto" I retorted. I, then, realized it would be better if I just ignored them.

So that's what I did...I ignored them for the rest of the bus ride...

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now