19. Looking More Normal

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(Cosplay is by @binadayon on Instagram! Please go check them out!)

"S-so, what d-do we do f-first?" Mason asked. 

"I'm not sure," I said. "But, first-"

"Ah, ah, ah" Shock interrupted me. 


"You think you're ready for this world?" Barrel asked.

"You have no idea what the human customs are like. Their mannerisms, lifestyles, and fashion choices" Lock added in. I looked down at what I was wearing. It was an orange shirt, with a bleeding pumpkin on it. Along with ripped pants. And by ripped...not just normal, they were generally ripped. But, that's how I liked it. 

"What's wrong with my fashion choices?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. 

"Not just yours, all of ours" Lock stated. He gestured to what Mason, Barrel, Shock, himself, and I were wearing. It all seemed normal to us. Mason and I weren't sure what the problem was. 

"Lock's right. We'll attract too much attention dressed like this" Shock agreed. 

"Well, wh-what are we s-supposed to do?" Mason asked. 

"There's a store not too far from here," Barrel said. 

"Great! We can go there and get some clothes" I stated. 

"It's not that simple. You have to pay for things in the human world" Lock informed. 

"Pay? Well, what's the point of that?" I asked. 

"Money-hungry rich people who want to control everything" He answered. 

"But that's so inconvenient! What are you even supposed to pay with?" I questioned. 

"These two things called dollars and cents," Barrel said. 

"H-How do you get th-those?" Mason asked. 

"By getting a job and getting paid" Shock stated. 

"But, in Halloween Town, we just have jobs because we like them. We don't get paid for it" I said. 

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but the human world isn't that simple" Lock threw his arm around my shoulder. 

"How so?" I asked. 

"People work jobs that they despise their entire life. Such as, sitting in an office all day, typing away at a computer, only to get paid 50 bucks at the end of the week" He explained. 

"Bucks?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Dollars" He corrected. "See, you really don't know all that much about the human world"

"I..." A sigh escaped my mouth. "I guess, I don't"

"Guess we're gonna have to steal some stuff" Shock stated. 

"Steal?" I exclaimed. "What? No!"

"Well, princess" Barrel began. "It's our only option"

"W-we can't steal!" Mason sided with me. He pulled me to the side, Lock's arm falling off my shoulders in the process. 

"If you don't want to look suspicious, I suggest you follow our lead" Lock threatened. Shock stepped forward. 

"Look, I know you two are all about being perfect little children for your parents" She started. "But, Y/N, if you want a real chance of finding your Mother, we have to blend in. In human eyes, we look like we just crawled out of a horror movie. Plus, it's Christmas here, so there's no logical explanation for us to look like this. And, you two don't know shit about how life works here. So, just do as we say"

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now