21. Playing With Fire

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(The cosplay above was done by @q.ueen_y on Instagram! Check them out)

"Check this out, princess" Lock said. 

We had started a small fire and I was warming myself up. The others didn't need to be close to the fire, so they just waited. Lock plopped down next to me, closer to the fire, he sent a playful smirk my way causing heat to rise in my cheeks.

"What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Just look!" He urged. "It'll be cool" He reached out his hand to the fire, causing my eyes to go wide. I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled it back. 

"You'll hurt yourself!" I exclaimed. "Don't!"

"Aw, do you care about me, princess?" He teased. I gave him a look. 

"I care about you enough to not let you put your hand in fire" I stated. 

"Thanks" He smiled. "But, it won't affect me, remember? Besides, I wanna show you a cool trick. To lighten the mood"

"Oh..." I trailed off. I felt a bit of warmth build up inside me. Which was either the fire or how sweet Lock's comment was. "Thank you"

He reached his hand out to the crackling fire and I flinched a bit when his hand came in contact with it. But, just as he said, it didn't affect him. He cupped up a bit of the fire in between his palms and held it in front of him. 

"You're not going to burn me, are you?" I asked cautiously. He chuckled as he opened his palm, exposing the flame to the cold, winter air. 

"Of course not" He shook his head. "I'm offended you would ever think such a thing"

"I wouldn't put it past him, either" Shock commented.

"Agreed" Barrel chimed in. 

"S-same here" Mason nodded.

"Well, if you're going to be like that-" Lock reached back to the fire, ready to put his flame back. 

"No!" I pulled him back. "We're just joking around. Come on, show us your cool trick, you arsonist"

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment," He said. 

He held his palm steady and gazed into the orange blaze. He licked his lips, as a way to concentrate. He made a motion with his free hand and the fire began to float upwards. He muttered something and the fire grew big, then small again.

Little bits of ash fell around us, landing on our newly stolen clothes. I tried patting them away causing Barrel to laugh. Lock did tricks with the fire. He whispered things, made motions, etc. It was like the fire was a trained animal, obeying Lock's every word. 

He gently floated the fire back into his hand and let it die down a bit, before placing it back into our fire. He smiled at us and I found myself clapping. It was very impressive and it did make me feel a bit better about the whole situation we're in. 

"Lock, that was awesome!" I beamed. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

"I dunno," He said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I've always been able to. It used to be the only thing that kept the three of us entertained back when we were children"

"That would certainly keep me entertained!" I complimented. He smiled down at me and ruffled my hair. 

"Yeah, but it gets pretty boring when it's the only thing you see every day, all day" Lock replied. 

"I wouldn't get bored of it!" I reassured him. "Imagine how many cool things you can do with that"

"Many" He informed. "Haven't even been able to try them all yet"

"Do you think you're warm enough, Y/N?" Shock asked. 

"Yeah!" I nodded. I grabbed Lock's hand to help him stand. Mason hadn't spoken and I was a bit worried. But, before I could ask, the three of them began to walk away. So, Mason and I quickly followed. 

Lock put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I looked up, but he was just looking straight ahead, acting as if what he was doing was completely normal. He rubbed his thumb up and down on my shoulder and my cheeks began to heat up. 

"L-lock?" I whispered. He hummed in response, looking down at me. "What are you doing?" He chuckled and sent me a playful grin. 

"Just keeping you warm, princess" He answered. His eyes gazed down at me and for the first time, I actually saw genuine kindness in them, not the usual mischief. 

"Oh, thanks," I said in disbelief. 

"No need to thank me" He shook his head. He seemed to get an idea and he knelt down to me. His face was practically inches from mine and I made my eyes look anywhere, but him. He chuckled and I felt his breath on my cheek. He was so close I was able to smell the smoke from our previous fire on him. 

"Lock..." I muttered in embarrassment. 

"Yes, princess?" He asked. His voice was laced with indiscreet affection.

As much as I hated to admit it, I was starting to like the nickname 'princess' and the people who gave it to me. I know, I know, they're bullies. But, how could you blame me? Plus, I have a feeling, after all of this, we'll be closer. Maybe, all of us would be able to hang out. And by all of us, I meant Lock, Shock, Barrel, me, and Mason. All of us. 

Could you imagine? The five of us being friends? Oh, my Dad would lose it. But, maybe...it's a long shot, but maybe, after this those three trouble makers will actually be decent. And we could be friends. 

I've always wanted to have a friend group, I've read about it in books that my Mom has brought me from the human world, but I've never actually had one. I've only ever had Mason. Now, don't get me wrong, Mason is amazing. But, having a select group of people to hang out with would be amazing. Not just one person. 

It would be great if the three of them stopped flirting with me all the time. As well as randomly starting fights with Mason for no reason. Now that I think about it, maybe we won't all be able to be friends. Not if the three of them don't get their act together. 

"What are you thinking about, princess?" Lock asked, snapping me out of the daze I had fallen into. He was still close to my face and he lowered his voice to a whisper. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were wondering what my lips would feel like against yours"

"Lock!" I exclaimed. I moved away from him, making it very obvious how embarrassed the comment made me. 

"Aw, I'm only teasing" He poked my side and I gave him a look. He faked an upset sigh. "Don't be like that, princess"

"You can't just say stuff like that, Lock" I stated as I gently nudged his side. 

"Well, why not?" He asked. "I wouldn't mind knowing"

"Knowing what?" I questioned. He sent a smirk my way. 

"What your lips feel like"

"Lock!" Barrel shouted. We looked over at the others. Barrel and Shock looked angry, while Mason looked confused. 

"Ugh, whatever" Lock crossed his arms with a scoff, going back to his tough facade. We kept walking and Lock's hand found its way back on my shoulders. "Don't worry. I won't flirt with you anymore. Right now, at least. I'm just trying to keep you warm"

"Right now?" I repeated. "Lock-"

"Oh, come on" He urged with a smile. "You know you love me"

(Okay, kind of short. But, I'm really tired and can't keep my eyes open long enough to write. As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now