11. History Class

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I made my way back to the lunch room to see Mason packing up his stuff. I must have missed lunch...

"Y-Y/N!" Mason called when he saw me. He ran over to me, worry written all over his face.

"Hey, Mason..." I said.

"W-well...what d-did they wanna t-talk about?" Mason questioned.

"Oh...it was just them being rude as always...nothing to worry about" I said brushing off his concern.

He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I turned my head to the side and saw Lock, Shock, and Barrel.

Lock held out his index finger and waved it back and forth, indicating that I needed to stop the action immediately. I pulled away abruptly and Mason raised his eyebrow.

"Wh-whats wrong?" He asked nervously.

"I just don't wanna be late" I said with a small smile. We walked to class and I was relieved that he didn't ask any more questions about it.

I walked into my history class with Mason by my side. I made my way to the front, but Mason stopped me.

"C-can we s-sit in the b-back today?" He asked.

"Oh, sure" I answered with a sigh. Then I realized how rude I must've sounded. "Oh my pumpkins, I'm sorry. I wasn't sighing at you, its just been a really long day"

"I-it's fine. I-I know d-dealing with th-those three m-must be tough" He said in sympathy.

We walked to the back of the class and I pulled out my book. Lock, Shock, and Barrel never showed up to class. Weird...I just saw them at lunch...

I stood up at the end of class and collected my things. Mason tilted his head in confusion.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I-I don't k-know...Y-you're energy seems a bit o-off...I-I know you had t-to talk wi-wi-with those th-three. But, you're u-usually able to handle them...Wh-what did they s-say to you?" Mason asked.

"They...They mocked me" I lied.

"What do you mean?" He asked. No stutters...

"They mocked my humanness...they think I'm weak" I answered.

"But...y-you can't possibly b-believe that, r-right?" Mason asked hopefully.

"No, of course not" I said as I laughed it off. Although, he didn't find it funny.

"Y/N, a-are you s-sure you're not just saying th-that?" Mason questioned. He held my hands making me freeze. I heard a gasp and looked around.

There were people in the classroom, but none of them were the ones I feared. Most likely, it was a classmate.

"Yes, I'm positive. I'm completely fine. Besides, they can bully me all they want. That doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna rule over their disrespectful asses" I said with a confident smile.

He giggled and sent me a sweet smile. I looked around one last time to make sure the bullies weren't there and when I didn't see them, I embraced him in a tight, loving, hug.

"Thank you for everything, Mason. I don't think I tell you this enough, but you are the best thing that's ever happened to me" I genuinely stated.

When I pulled away I saw his face light up. He seemed happier than I've ever seen him. In that moment, I knew I was lucky to have him.

I can't lose him, especially not because of those three brats...

(Okay, not that great of a chapter. But, its something. I know it's been forever, but I'm really trying to get chapters out. If you follow me, then you probably know how that's going, a.k.a not the good. Well, anyways hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now