27. Jenson and Oliver

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*3rd person p.o.v*

"Y-Y/N!" Mason exclaimed. He ran up to the H/C-haired girl and embraced her in a tight, protective hug. "I-I was so worried! I-I thought..." His eyes trailed over to Lock and he gulped. His voice turned into a low whisper. "I thought...h-he hurt you."

Y/N hugged Mason back, whispering assurance in his ear. "I'm fine, Mason. We just went on a little walk."

"Where did you take her?" Shock asked.

Lock crossed his arms. "We were going to get ready for the day, but then decided to come back and get you three. You're welcome."

"G-get ready?" Mason asked in confusion. "Wh-where? We're in the m-middle of nowhere."

"Lock, Shock, and Barrel know a place," Y/N informed "They come here all the time, remember? And we desperately need some cleaning up, I'd say."

The four of them looked down at their clothes, which had gotten muddy due to sleeping on the ground. And their clothes were slightly wet due to the snow that had melted on them. Shock had a small red spot near the bottom of her sweatshirt, from when her and Barrel had commited that crime. Fortunately for Shock, the others either didn't notice, or decided not to ask.

"Well, let's go," Barrel spoke. "I want to get it over with."

Barrel threw an arm around Y/N's shoulders and Mason picked up his pace so he could walk next to her. Lock and Shock fell behind slightly. Shock knew something was up and she didn't try to hide it. She sent a death glare at Lock, who sent one right back.

"What did you two do?" She asked.

"Your mom," Lock cheekily responded. Usually, Shock found his jokes to be quite funny, but not today.

She was being serious. "Lock."

"Shock." He stated.

"We had a deal," Shock reminded him.

"Who's to say I did anything?" Lock asked.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" Shock snapped. "We woke up and the two of you were gone"

"As I said, we were simply heading down to Jenson's coffee shop. But, we decided to come back to get you."

"Then explain the fire, Lock" The impatient girl gestured to the red head's hand.

Lock looked down and saw his hand had some ash splattered across his fingers. As well as small sparks that we're occasionally popping out of his palms. "So, I was playing with fire. I do it all the time. Doesn't mean anything."

Shock rolled her eyes. "We all feel what you feel, Lock. I get that it's hard to hold back, but our deal was; either we all get her or none of us do."

"I know what the deal is," Lock said.

"Then, why aren't you sticking to it?" Shock questioned.

"I am," He lied.

"Y/N doesn't need this, right now," Shock said.

Lock snapped his head to look at her. "What?"

"She came here to find her mother. You can't try to start a relationship with her, yet. This is clearly important to her and there's only a limited amount of time before someone in Halloween Town finds out where we are and comes to take us back. Sure, it's fun to flirt with her, but if we waste her only chance at finding her mom, just because we're too selfish to wait...I don't think I'd be able to live with myself...if I were alive, that is."

Lock let out a shaky breath. He wanted to hit her, but he knew she wouldn't hesitate to do the same. He was mad because she was right. And, now Lock felt horrible. He crossed his arms stubbornly. He hated that she was always right. 

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now