The Fight, the Angry Dean, and the Match

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"Stay still." Riley sighed in frustration as Dean kept moving. Dean rolled his eyes. Riley was trying to put an ointment on his busted lip but he kept moving.

"I think we're done." Dean said, standing up. Riley grabbed his arm.

"Come on, I'm not done yet. You need to put ice on your cheek." She told him. Dean rolled his eyes, not wanting to listen to her.

"I'm fine." He muttered, pulling out of her grip. Riley sighed. It wasn't her fault that Dean got into a fight and now he was basically mad at her as if it were her fault.

"It's not my fault you decided to get into a fight with him." She said.

"Yeah and its not my fault either." He snapped," Your stupid boyfriend hit me first."

Dean gave Kenny a weird look as he walked up to him. They hadn't talked to each other but the glares that they were sending each other was enough. They didn't need to say two words to each other to know that they don't like each other.

"Shouldn't you be going?" Dean asked, not bothering to look up from taping his hands. Kenny's flight was in less than forty minutes, but he couldn't leave without leaving Dean with a warning. A warning to stay away from Riley. He could see the way that Dean was always trying to get close to Riley and Riley wasn't doing anything to stop it.

"I should." Kenny said, crossing his arms," I couldn't leave without asking you something."

Dean finally looked up from his hands. He cut the tape with his teeth, finishing his one hand.

"Yeah and what's that?" Dean asked, standing up. He knew that Kenny was in his locker room for nothing good. He was awaiting for Kenny to snap, especially now that Riley wasn't around. Dean knew that Kenny was always trying to keep his calm around Riley, he could clearly see it.

Kenny didn't hesitate when he asked," Do you have a thing for Riley?"

Dean choked on the water that he was drinking. He coughed, loudly. Kenny's question was surprising to him but at the same time, it gave him joy. It gave him joy because he knew that he was actually getting to Kenny. He somehow didn't understand how Kenny could be stupid enough to think that he had a thing for Riley.

Dean chuckled which caused Kenny to look at him oddly," Trust me, Riley's a nice sight and all, but she's not my type. Even if she was my type, I don't go for younger girls or girls that I'm working with."

Kenny didn't know why but he got more upset when Dean called Riley a 'nice sight'. Dean could already see that Kenny was upset and it made Dean annoyed because Kenny had no reason to be upset.

"Whether you would want to be with her or not, I want you to stay away from her. I can already see you're trying to get close to her and-" Dean cut him off by laughing. Kenny was trying his hardest to stay calm.

"You want me to stay away from Riley?" Dean asked. Kenny nodded," That's going to be kind of hard knowing that she's spending the next month and a half with me. We're going to be training every day, we have shows four days a week, and we have a whole bunch of other stuff together. It's really hard for us not to interact, don't you think?"

"Yeah and all of that is for her job. Getting close to her outside of the job will be something you shouldn't want to be doing." Kenny told him, suddenly not able to control his anger. Kenny was glaring at him and with one glance towards him, Dean was glaring back.

"Oh, yeah? What are you going to do if I get close to her, huh? It's not like you can do anything about it. It's her decision whether she wants me to get close to her or not, it's not your decision." Dean said. Kenny knew that there was some truth in Dean's words but he wanted to make sure that Dean stayed away from Riley. He thinks that he's going to lose her to Dean and he certainly didn't want that to happen.

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