The Apology and the Therapy Session

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Riley sighed into the phone.

"Are you sure about this, Riley?" Leslie asked. Riley placed her phone between her shoulder and ear as she threw clothes in her luggage.

"Yes, look, I want to move up to NXT so bad, you wouldnt even know how bad. I prefer to stay in developmental for another year than to be stuck getting trained by that jerk." Riley said into the phone. She was almost done packing. She really wanted to get out of here as fast as she could. It might have only been three days but she has never been more annoyed with anyone like she is with Dean.

"Maybe this is what's best, Les. If I stay in developmental for another year then I'll improve more and I'll enter NXT as one of the best divas there is." Riley sighed as she ran her hand through her hair. Leslie sighed. She wanted her best friend to stay with Dean because this was a great opportunity for publicity, if she goes back home than she'll just have to start over.

"Riley, come on. I understand he's a jerk but you can't let him come in between you and getting into NXT." Leslie told her," Think about it. Dean is one of the top superstars and for you to be his 'girlfriend' just skyrocketed your career. I know that you want to get to the top for your talent but Riley, you need a little jump start and this is the perfect opportunity."

Riley zipped up her luggage," I hate it when you're right..but that's not going to change anything, I want to go home and then forget this ever happened because honestly, these have been a tough three days."

"Are you serious, Riley? You want to forget meeting the man, thats name you have tattooed on you permanently? Riley, not even five days ago, you were so excited to be in the same room with the Dean Ambrose." Leslie said," Now you get to be near him, every single day, and you are more annoyed than anything."

"That was before I met him and got to know the real him." Riley said, sitting down on her bed," I thought that whole bad ass, jerky attitude thing was just an act but now I realize that he's ten times worse than his actual character on-screen."

Riley knew that this whole task wasn't going to be easy but she didn't think that it was going to be this difficult after just the third day. She knew hate was a strong word but she couldn't help but think of the word when she thought of Dean Ambrose. He was only mean to her today but he was so mean that she was actually starting to hate his guts.

There was times where he would be so considerate towards her than the other times, he would be acting like a huge jerk.

Leslie sighed," Okay, if that's what you want then I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow."

Riley was suppose to get on a private jet with everyone else. The jet was suppose to be heading to California but they're making a stop in Chicago to drop her off.

It had only been an hour since she stormed out of the gym and everyone knew that she was leaving. She called her dad, the trainers at developmental, and everyone else that needed to know she was leaving.

"Remember to call me if you decide to change your mind." Leslie added. Riley was about to tell her that her mind was set but stopped herself from starting another argument with Leslie.

"I will, I really have to go." Riley said, picking up stuff that was lying around the room," Bye.."

She hung up and threw her phone on the bed with a sigh. She was in the middle of slipping on her boots when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in.." Riley said, not looking up from tying her laces.

Dean opened the door, slowly. Roman had basically forced him into the room to apologize to Riley. They didn't want Riley to go home. Dean only felt bad because he didn't want to be the reason that she left.

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