The Arrest and the Call to Phil

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"Sir, the police is outside looking for you."

Dean looked at Mark for a second before letting out a sigh, "Did they say what they wanted?"

"Not at all, but they seem really upset." Mark answered. Dean looked down at Riley. She was passed out and he didn't want to wake we up, but if the police was outside looking for him, he wasn't just going to sit there.

"I'll be there in a second." Dean said. Mark nodded before closing the door. Dean was trying his best to get Riley off of him without waking her up, but with the death grip she had on him, it was a little difficult.

As soon as he got Riley's legs off of his waist, her eyes basically shot open.

"It's just me." Dean told her, when he saw that she was about to start freaking out. Riley looked at him, tiredly.

"W-Where are you going?" She asked, softly. She didn't want to be left alone. She knew that she was being clingy, but it wasn't her fault. She was scared that Kenny would just show up out of nowhere, again.

"There's some police officers outside asking for me." Dean told her as he pulled on a shirt, "Just stay here, they're probably here to ask for details about what happened tonight."

Riley nodded. Dean placed a kiss on her forehead, knowing that it would calm her. He didn't like that she would start getting worried if he were to be gone for five minutes, but then again he was gone ten minutes for the meeting and Kenny got to her.

He gave her one last look before walking out the door. He had no clue as to why the police was looking for him. They had obviously given enough details to the police officers that arrested Kenny.

As soon as Dean reached the entrance of the bus, he began to get worried. There was two cop cars out there. If it were for a simple questioning then they wouldn't have sent a second car.

With a sigh, he walked out to see Mark already having a talk with one of the officers.

"Jonathan Good?" The police officer questioned. All attention was now on him and Mark was now watching with sympathy.

"That's me." He answered, confused.

"You're under arrest." One of the officers stepped towards him with cuffs in his hands. Dean immediately stepped back in confusion.

"What's going on?" He asked. The police officer ignored him as he told Dean to put his hands up. Dean obliged, still confused on what was going on. He was obviously getting arrested, but for what?

Riley came down the stairs, slowly with a blanket wrapped around her, tightly. She was confused until she saw one of the officers trying to cuff Dean's hands.

She immediately walked down the rest of the stairs, "Why is he getting arrested?"

"That is none of your concern ma'am." The officer answered. Dean winced when the officers put the cuffs on, harshly.

"You're hurting him!" Riley yelled. Dean was not struggling, he was actually cooperating, so the police officer had not right to hurt him.

"Go get Roman." Dean told her. She didn't need to be told twice because she immediately ran onto the bus, towards the bunks.

She didn't even care if she woke everyone up. She shook Roman's shoulder harshly.

"What-What's going on?" Roman asked, half asleep.

"Roman, Dean's getting arrested." Riley sniffled. She didn't even realize that she had started crying.

Roman jumped to his feet, immediately, not caring if he woke Leslie.

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