The Talk with Phil and the Wild Riley

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"How could you?!" Riley yelled, slapping Roman with the pillow. Roman was curled up, blocking his face," You had sex with my best friend!"

"I'm sorry!" Roman yelled. He rolled off the bed and immediately ran to hide behind Leslie. Dean grabbed the pillow from Riley and threw it across the room.

"God, at least it's not a steel chair that I'm taking away from you this time." Dean muttered.

"Roman, out of all the people you could've had sex with you chose my best friend? Really? That waitress yesterday was giving you the eyes, you could've gone for her!" Riley yelled. Leslie covered her face as she turned bright red.

"Okay, Riley, I'm a big girl. I was actually the one that came in here, last night." Leslie told her best friend. Roman nodded, telling her that what Leslie said was true.

Riley huffed, crossing her arms," I'm still very upset with you."

Riley stormed out, still very upset. She knew that it was Leslie's decision to sleep with Roman but she didn't want her best friend to get hurt. She knows that Leslie isn't the type of girl to sleep around, she likes to be in a relationship before actually sleeping with the guy. Riley just didn't want Leslie to get feelings for Roman and then for her to be crushed in the end because Roman is the kind of guy that sleeps around.

"Jon!" The dog's ears perked up at the sound of Riley's voice and he ran after her.

"Well she took that well."


"Ri, your dad is outside." Dean told her. He defiantly didn't want a repeat of what happened last time so he was trying to stay out of his view. Riley walked over to the window that Dean was standing by and saw her dad leaning against the bus.

They had arrived at the arena an hour ago but they were just sitting around until the show starts in two hours.

Riley sighed," He's so lucky that Jon has to use the bathroom."

Riley put the leash on Jon before walking towards the exit of the bus. Jon immediately started barking at Phil because he wasn't used to be around people. Phil pushed himself of the bus and looked down at the small dog.

He was really confused. The last time he checked, his daughter didn't have a dog.

"You got a dog?" Phil asked his daughter. Riley sent Jon the other way so he could stop barking and he could use the bathroom.

Riley looked up at Phil. She was kind of annoyed that he didn't even call her to say 'happy birthday' to her. She knew that he was busy but he was always 'busy', he never had time for her. She always thought that when she started traveling with him that he would see him more often but she only sees him on Raw, and he hardly acknowledged her.

"Yeah, Dean gave him to me yesterday for my birthday." She said, making sure that he understood that she was upset with him. Phil sighed. He knew that he missed Riley's birthday but he was busy, he was running around all day with Vince breathing down his neck.

"Riley, I'm sorry that I couldn't call you yesterday but Vince was keeping me busy yesterday with all the promotion stuff." He said, trying to explain himself. Riley leaned against the bus while crossing her arms.

"It's fine, I learned not to expect anything from you." She told him, harshly," I've heard the same excuse a hundred times so just tell me why you're here."

Phil stared at his daughter in shock. He knew that they weren't the closest since Tess died but he was trying his hardest to have a relationship with his daughter. He felt as if she was just trying to push him away.

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