The Embarrassed Riley and the New Year

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Dean slipped out of bed, slowly, making sure not to wake Riley up. He put his sweatshirt on, before looking towards Riley. She was laying in bed in his dress shirt from his tuxedo the night before.

God, he almost took it too far with Riley last night. He had to force himself to stop, reminding himself that she was underage.

With a sigh, he opened the door, walking out of the room. Before, he could even close the door, Roman had a smirk on his face as he watched Dean.

"So what happened last night?" Brie asked when she placed a plate of pancakes in front of Dean. Dean rolled his eyes as he looked up at everyone. They were all sending him knowing smirks, clearly knowing what happened the night before.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." Dean said, leaning back in his seat.

"So that hickey on your neck is nothing?" Seth asked with a small laugh. Dean cringed, clearly remembering how far him and Riley had gone. He didn't want to remember the night before, it just made him feel stupid for even kissing Riley back last night.

"I don't want to talk about this." Dean said," I stepped over the line last night and I wasn't even the one that was drunk."

"Yeah right. I saw Bryan slipping you beers all night." Leslie said, rolling her eyes. Bryan nodded, clearly telling him that he was a little tipsy last night, but not as drunk as Riley.

"Look, she probably won't even remember last night, so don't bring it up around her." Dean said. It was probably going to be better if Riley doesn't remember. He would just end up beating himself up about it, but sooner or later he is going to forget about it.

"And if she asks who gave you that hickey, what are you going to say?" Brie asked," You didn't give her a hickey, did you?"

Dean ran a hand through his hair in annoyance," Okay, Brie, the only thing you need to know is that we went a little too far and that's it."

"I'm going to go check on her." Leslie said, when the sound of throwing up filled the room. Dean watched as she walked off with a water bottle in her hand.

"So did you guys have sex?" Roman asked, not looking up to meet Dean's glare. Seth snickered causing Dean to glare at him.

"Okay I'm going to explain what happened once and then I want all of you to forget about it just like I want to." Dean told them. Brie gave him a nod to continue. Bryan walked away, clearly not wanting to hear about Dean's night.

"She kissed me in the car and she was basically begging me to kiss her back so I did." Dean said with a shrug," We didn't even do anything. We did get a little carried away though. And as soon as I realized what was happening, I put my shirt on her and she fell right to sleep."

"So you mean to tell me the only thing you did was get her out of her dress?" Seth asked. Dean was ready to lunge across the table and slap Seth's head.

"She's seventeen, you idiot, and I'm actually glad that I came to my senses." Dean said. It felt like no one was understanding the large problem here but himself. He knew the consequences would have been extremely large if he did have sex with Riley. God, if Phil found out, that would be another court case that he would have to deal with.

"Okay, so if nothing happened then why don't you want her to remember last night?" Brie asked.

"It's just weird, okay? I don't want us to feel awkward around each other." Dean answered," I definitely don't want anything more to happen, I just want things to stay the way they are."

Riley walked into the kitchen with Leslie right by her side. Dean saw a blush rise to Riley's cheeks as soon as she looked at him.

"Good morning." Riley muttered, taking a seat next to Roman. Leslie sighed, taking the other empty seat between Roman and Dean.

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