The Girlfriend and the Lovey Dovey Stuff

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Dean exited the bathroom the next morning to see Riley still fast asleep. He finished tying up his sweatpants before climbing onto the bed.

Riley let out a not-so-lady-like groan when Dean slid up in between her legs.

"What are you doing?" Riley asked, not bothering to open her eyes. Dean leaned down and pecked her lips.

"I left the shower on so you can get in." Dean muttered, placing small kisses on her neck. Riley opened one eye.

"Why are you being so lovey?" She asked. Dean chuckled.

"Am I not allowed to be lovey?" He asked," Besides, isn't this what guys do when they have sex with a girl they really like?"

Riley pushed him away as she turned red," Don't talk about it."

Dean laughed as he rolled off of her.

"You don't regret last night, do you?" He asked, suddenly getting serious. Riley immediately shook her head.

"No..last night was amazing." She said, softly. She obviously wasn't used to talking about something like that.

Dean smiled," Hurry up and get up cause we have to hit the road right after breakfast."

She sighed," Can I just stay here?"

She turned on her side, trying to get comfortable. Dean wrapped his arms around her.

"If you don't get up, Roman and Seth are probably going to barge in here in a couple minutes." He muttered.

"Fine." She sighed," I'm only doing this because I know Roman and Seth will have a field day if they saw us like this."

"You mean, if they saw you like this." He said," I'm already dressed."

"Move, I'm getting up." She said, pushing him off of her. He laughed as he watched her wrap the sheets around herself.

"You don't have to cover up, baby, it's not like I haven't seen you naked." He winked. She sent him a playful glare as she walked into the bathroom.

"If you don't stop with these comments, you won't ever see me naked again." She called from the bathroom. He laughed as Riley slammed the bathroom door shut.

He got up, making his way over to the door. He was hoping that Roman and Seth weren't awake yet.

"Morning." Roman said, when he saw Dean exit the room. Dean shut the door.

Dean walked over to his seat, sending them a smile," Morning."

Roman sent Seth a look. They obviously didn't expect Dean to be so happy today, especially knowing that it was not even twenty-four hours since the anniversary.

"What's got you so happy?" Seth muttered. Dean shrugged as he sat down with a plate of food.

"Did you get laid last night?" Roman asked, bluntly. Dean rolled is eyes while Seth choked on his food.

"Dude, really?" Seth asked, looking at Roman," He was here all last night, who could he have possibly had sex with?"

Dean chewed on his food, slowly. If they found out about last night then Riley will literally kill him. She just didn't want them to know because they always made their jokes about it and Riley hated it. It was really embarrassing for her to talk about it.

"What else would explain the good mood that he's in?" Roman questioned. They were talking about Dean as if he weren't sitting in between them.

"Can we not talk about me as if I'm not in the room?" Dean asked, looking at them," And for your information, I didn't have sex last night, Roman."

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