The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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"Brianna, do not go in there. They're probably still sleeping, we got home late last night." Roman said, trying to step in front of Brie. Brie ignored him as she tried to push past him.

It was only seven thirty in the morning, and Brie had shown up with a very important question for Dean.

"Roman, I have to ask Dean something important." Brie whined, pushing Roman. Roman rolled his eyes.

"Can you not wait until he wakes up?" He asked," He was up really late last night with Riley, I don't think he got any sleep."

Suddenly, Brie stopped pushing Roman and stared at him.

"What do you mean 'Dean stayed up late with Riley'?" She asked. She didn't want Dean to start doing this again. God, it was like a terrible case of déjà vu, and she was not going to let it happen again.

"Brianna.." He warned, knowing where she was going. He knew that Brie was very protective over Dean, but he didn't like that she wanted to keep Dean the way that he is now.

"Don't you dare 'Brianna' me, Joseph. I have watched my best friend go through one heartbreak, and I don't ever want to witness it again." She snapped, pushing past him. As soon as Roman heard his real name slip out of her mouth, he knew that she was being one hundred percent serious. Roman sighed, giving up on stopping her from entering Dean and Riley's room.

Dean's eyes snapped open as soon as he heard the door to his room open. Brie bit the inside of her cheek as she stared at Riley - who was wrapped up in Dean's arms. It wasn't that Brie didn't like Riley but she was just being very cautious about the girls that Dean is around more than once.

"Oh shit..what are you doing here?" Dean asked, when he saw Brie standing in the doorway. Jon lifted his head up from next to Riley's stomach and started barking at the unfamiliar face.

He let go of Riley as softly as he could before sitting up. Just watching how he interacted with her was causing Brie to forget the reason why she is here in the first place.

"Jon, shush, come here." He said, trying to calm down the dog. Jon quickly jumped onto Riley before making his way to Dean. Riley's eyes opened as soon as Jon came in contact with her stomach.

"Well that's a nice way to wake up." Riley muttered, softly.

"Brie, it's not even eight in the morning." Dean said, petting behind Jon's ear," What are you doing here?"

Riley immediately shot up at the mention of Brie. She thought that it was just the two of them in the room, but she was wrong.

"Oh hi." Riley said, softly. Brie looked at her before giving her a small nod. She came to the room to talk to Dean about something important, not to deal with Dean's whorish problems.

"I was hoping we could talk alone because it's really important." Brie said, turning her attention to Dean.

"I should probably take Jon to use the bathroom." Riley said, getting out of bed. She knew that they had to talk about something, and she obviously knew that it didn't involve her. Riley grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"You better not take that blanket off." Dean called out to Riley," It looks like you aren't wearing anything under my sweatshirt."

Riley rolled her eyes as she attached Jon's leash to his harness," Whatever you say."

"So what do you need to talk to me about?" Dean asked a soon as Riley closed the door behind her. Brie sat down on Riley's bed - the bed that Riley hardly ever used, unless she was mad at Dean.

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