The Wedding and the Drunk Riley

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"Well look who decided to join us."

Dean rolled his eyes as he dragged Riley to the two empty seats. Leslie's eyebrows rose at the sight of their intertwined hands, that were placed on the table.

"Thanks Romes." Riley smiled when Roman placed a plate in front of her. Riley immediately noticed the look that Leslie was giving her, so she slipped her hand out of Dean's.

"It's nice to know that you remembered that we planned to have breakfast this morning, Jon." Brie said, taking a bite of her toast. Dean looked up from his plate and looked over at her. Hearing his full name made it obvious that she was upset.

"Well, Brianna, after that slap that I got from you yesterday, I realized that I needed to make Brie happy cause that's all I ever do." Dean said, getting upset.

"So how is everyone's morning so far?" Roman cut in, seeing the glares that the pair was sending each other. Everyone was ready to answer because they didn't want neither Brie nor Dean to start something.

Before Seth could answer, Brie started again," Make me happy? Please, you may be my best friend, but you probably wouldn't even show up to my wedding, if I wasn't forcing you. You would probably be fucking some girl cause that's all you know how to do."

Dean dropped his fork on the table before leaning back in his seat. It annoyed him that Brie thought that he would ditch her wedding to go and sleep with some girl.

He chuckled, dryly," It's great to know that you think so wonderful of your best friend, Brie."

"I didn't think so low of you until you decide to skip out on us last night to go and sleep with Summer." She said, shaking Daniel's hand off of her. She was still very annoyed that Dean didn't show up last night. Dean ran his hand through his hair in pure annoyance.

"How about instead of assuming that I was with Summer last night, you ask me where I was last night? I don't like that you're assuming all of this because you don't know where I was last night and you aren't even close." He told her. Roman gave everyone a look that said 'we should all back away slowly'. They didn't want to get involved in anything that was about to go down between the two.

"Where were you last night then?" She asked, leaning over the table. Roman gave everyone a motion to back away, slowly. He could already see that Dean was getting mad and he was about to snap on Brie.

"I don't think you'd really approve, Brianna, just like you never approve of anything else in my life." He snapped, leaning over the table. Riley got up and walked off, not saying a word. Brie and Dean were too busy glaring at each other, to notice that every body had left behind Riley.

"Maybe it's because you make stupid decisions." She argued, raising her voice. Dean rolled his eyes.

"My decisions don't effect you." He told her, sternly. Brie's eyes widened in realization. They have argued like this before and now she knows where he was last night. There was only a couple of times where Dean got so defensive. She knew what it was now and she was annoyed.

"You went to go see her parents didn't you?" She asked, angrily. She didn't want Dean to talk to them and get into more trouble, especially that the next court date was next month.

Dean clenched his fist, tightly," They invited me out to dinner, and that doesn't effect you. "

"Did you forget the judge's orders?" She asked," You aren't allowed to have contact with them until the court date next month."

"Yeah, well I didn't contact them, they contacted me." He argued.

"They're the ones that are pressing charges against you, in case you have forgotten. This case has been going on for close to three years." She told him," Why in the world would you go and meet them? They have hated your guts since day one."

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