The Comments From Dean and the Very Protective Dad

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Riley huffed as she paced in front of Leslie and Carter, "God, I can't believe that asshole thought it was okay to bring his little bitch with him."

"I thought you said you weren't going to let her get to you." Carter said. Riley groaned.

"That was before she stepped out of that fucking car." Riley said. The door to her room opened and Seth walked in.

"Am I interrupting some type of intervention?" Seth asked as he closed the door behind him. Riley glared at him.

"When I asked you if she was coming this morning, you told me that she wasn't." Riley said, crossing her arms. Seth rolled his eyes.

"I didn't think she was. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not apart of him and Roman's brokenhearted club." Seth said. Leslie sent him a glare.

"Brokenhearted? Dean sure as hell doesn't look brokenhearted with that slut hanging off his arm." Riley basically growled. Carter stood up and pulled Riley to sit down next to him.

"Okay, baby girl, you need to calm down." Carter told her, "All you have to do is pretend like they're not here, just like you were going to pretend Dean wasn't here, now just add his girlfriend and you're good."

Riley sighed, "Fine, but if that bitch makes one comment, I'm beating her down."

"I'm good with that, she's annoying as hell." Seth said, leaning against the wall.

"At least you're on our side, Seth." Leslie said. Seth rolled his eyes.

"Not when you guys go and start throwing shade left and right." Seth muttered, "I swear, I wouldn't want to be on your bad side."

Riley rolled her eyes, "Good because you'll end up just like Dean and Roman."


"I think you should stop looking at her like that before you need up putting holes in the side of her head." Leslie said, "Not that I would mind, but you know.."

Riley rolled her eyes as she laid back in the lounge chair, "We can only hope.."

"It's like he's being all over her to get your attention." Seth said with a small chuckle. He could clearly tell because he was never this lovey with Renee.

Riley groaned, softly, "Well it's working, he's basically dry humping her in the pool."

"Don't get jealous." Seth told her, "He was the one that cheated on you, he should be jealous of what you have."

Seth clearly knew that Dean didn't do anything but kiss Renee that night. Riley should not be exposed to the whole thing with Vince and everything.

"We both hurt each other that night." Riley muttered as she glanced over at Dean. It looked like he was happily kissing on his girlfriend and Riley felt hurt. It hurt to think that she was cheated on with the same girl that he's with now.

"He's not happy." Seth said, softly. He hated that Dean had decided to bring Renee to Phil's house, Riley's house. It was like he was trying to rub it in her face that he had moved on.

"I get that you're trying to make me feel better, but I can clearly see that he's happy without you telling me." Riley sighed, "I'm over it, he can be happy if he wants."

Seth opened his mouth to argue, but Riley got up and walked away before he could.

Riley closed the sliding door behind her with a sigh. She hated talking about Dean and Renee, if that wasn't bad, she had to watch them be all lovey with each other. She hated that he acted if she wasn't there, as if he wasn't doing anything wrong.

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