The Selfie, the Tattoo, and the Talk About Love

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Riley clutched her bag closer to her as she walked down the hallway after her last period of school. She was looking for her friends and boyfriend so she could say goodbye. Dean was suppose to be picking her up and she got a text ten minutes ago telling her that he was outside.

"Riley!" She heard as she walked out of the school. She looked over and saw all her friends standing there, including Kenny. Just as she was walking over to them, her phone started ringing. She pulled it out and answered, not checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" She answered, holding a finger up to her friends. Dean had seen her walking over to her friends and just wanted to remind her that they had to be at the airport in an hour.

"Riley, hurry up with your goodbyes. We have to get going." Dean said. Riley looked up from the ground and her eyes immediately locked with Dean's. He was on the other side of the parking lot, waving at her.

"Didn't you stop by my house and get my bags?" She asked, irritated that she didn't get much time to say goodbye to her friends. She hardly had time to hang out with them because of her training and now she's going to be gone for two whole months.

"Yes I did, your dad was very annoyed with me." He told her. She rolled her eyes.

"We still have time, goodbye." She said, hanging up. She didn't need him telling her that they were going to be late when they still had an hour," Sorry about that you guys."

"Is that really Dean Ambrose?" Hanna asked, looking over at Dean - who was signing autographs for some girls.

"I don't understand why you're not freaking out, you're like his biggest fan and now you're going to be by his side for two months." Leslie commented. Kenny was getting annoyed at Dean because he was looking over at Riley like she was a piece of meat.

Everyone stopped talking when Riley's phone beeped. Riley pulled her phone out and looked over at Dean, annoyed. He was really starting to annoy her.

Can you hurry up? I love my fans but I'm tired of signing autographs -Ambrose 💪❤

Riley shook her head towards him which caused him to push himself off the car and start walking over to her.

"Okay so Dean is walking over here so we got to say our goodbyes." Riley says, turning back to her friends. Hanna didnt even move, knowing that Riley didn't want to give her a hug after what went down these past few weeks. Leslie hugged Riley tightly just as Dean got to them.

"Riley we have to go." Dean spoke from behind her which caused the girls to fan themselves at how beautiful his voice sounded. Riley rolled her eyes at her friends.

"Give me a minute, Jon, we still have time." She muttered, using his real name. Dean looked over at her offended. No one ever calls him by his real name, they always just call him Dean and he just got so used to it. He rolled his eyes and just waited, impatiently for Riley to say her goodbyes.

"Remember to Skype me everyday and call me." Riley muttered as she hugged Kenny.

"I will baby, just don't leave for some tights wearing wrestler." He said which caused Riley to giggle. They had been dating for close to three years so they haven't really spent that much time away from each other.

"I love you." She said, pulling away from him. He placed his lips on hers.

"Okay you guys really?" Leslie said, rolling her eyes. Hanna didn't say anything, instead she was just staring at Dean while he was rolling his eyes at the couple. Just then his phone decided to ring. He sighed knowing exactly who it was.

He pulled it out and answered," Yes sir?"

"Mr.Good, are you and Riley on the plane yet?" Vince asked. He needed them both on the plane especially when he tipped the press about them. It was all apart of a huge storyline that was going to happen.

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