The Prologue

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"So, today we'll be explaining your two month project." The teacher said. Riley Brooks was sitting in the front row, trying to catch her breathe. After an extreme workout that lasted nearly two and a half hours, they we're called to sit down.

Her face was still bright red and she was sweating horribly.

'It'll all be worth it in the end.' She reminded herself.

"As you know, we want you all to just get better so with that being said for the next two months you will each be paired with a wwe superstar or diva. You will follow them around and train with them for you guys to get better." Trish said to them.

Riley frowned. She didn't want to get stuck with a diva for two months. Half the divas in the company sucked butt. There was only about five that Riley actually liked.

She listened on as Trish and Steve continued explaining the project. This was going to be their last task for the year before Trish and Steve decided if they got to move on to the company or stay back for another year.

This was only Riley's first year so there was no doubt that she was staying in the developmental center for another year. There was a chance she could move on though. The teachers knew she had great potential, not only because her father was the great CM Punk but she was really good.

Wrestling was basically in her blood.

"The superstars/divas that will be apart of this little activity are the Bella Twins, Natalya, The Uso brothers, and all three members of the Shield." Steve said.

Riley's face lit up when she heard that the Shield was participating in this thing. The Shield was by far the best wrestlers in the company today so she was hoping to get stuck with one of them.

"Okay so you guys when you hear your name go to the ring where your partner is standing in and wait for further instructions." Trish said," Umm Joseph and Jey Uso, Kiana and Nikki Bella, Andrew and Brie Bella, Alison and Roman Reigns, Lillian and Seth Rollins, Rob and Jimmy Uso, Lyric and Natalya, and finally Riley and Dean Ambrose."

Riley smiled, happily. She got stuck with Dean. Dean fucking Ambrose!

"Okay so if you guys would please go find your partner." Steve repeated. Everyone jumped to their feet while Riley got up slowly. She looked around the big training area and couldn't find him.

"Hey!" Roman yelled out towards her," Dean's girl, come wait with us."

Riley walked over to the other side of the room where Seth, Roman, and their partners were.

"Dean's running a little late this morning, he'll be here any second though." Seth told her. Roman rolled his eyes.

"Who was it last night?" Roman asked him. Seth shrugged, clearly not remembering the girl's name.

"I think it was Tamara." Seth answered.

"No it was Sabrina." Roman said, crossing his arms. As if he knew they were talking about it, Dean walked in on the phone with a very pissed off Tamina on the line.

"I'm sorry I left you this morning, Tamina." If the girl were to see Dean's face while he talked to her, she would be incredibly pissed. Dean didn't give a fuck about her, everyone knew that," Look I have something to do, I'll call you later."

Dean hung up on Tamina even though she was still whining on the line.

"And that my friends is why you don't go for the clingy ones." Dean told his friends as he deleted her number. Roman chuckled.

"I fell like you always get those, man. We need to stop going for the ones that work with us." Roman said.

"Aww those are the fun ones." Seth said with a pout. Brie Bella walked over to them and rolled her eyes.

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