「 Chapter 21 」

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Found in the train station, you and Dazai stood side by side as the two of you stared at what's lies in front of both of you.

"Never thought we would hold thy visage..." Dazai first lets out as you followed, crossing your arms over your chest.

"In a hinterland of such desolation..."

"Thy fervor for a duel is most apparent" Simultaneously finishing your sentences as you two stared down at none other than a dog.

It then lets out continuos bark at both of you as you glance at your brother who waves his stretched out hand to the dog while his other one, went inside his coat.

"Oooh! Don't you sound confident? But that doesn't work for us! Because...we have an ace up our sleeves"

You couldn't help but let out a giggle as Dazai pulls out a pack of dog treat out of his coat and handed it to you.

"Lookie here you little runt~!" You called out as you wave the pack of dog treats which caught the dog's attention as it seems to brighten up, wagging its tail rapidly.

You and Dazai crouch down as the dog came up, you pulled out a single dog treat from the bag and handed it to your brother as the dog move his gaze to Dazai's hand.

Dazai closed his hand into a fist with the dog treat inside as the dog sat there watching, but the moment Dazai's grip tightened and open his palm, the treat was no longer there. The two of you stood up, with you giggling as your brother had a triumph look.

The dog who was confused look around, turning its head from left to right as your brother victoriously said "That's the difference between our statuses. We Win!"

Meanwhile, a certain tiger shifter sat on the bench as he watched the scene unfold before him. Mostly dumbfounded at you and your brother and really couldn't understand what you two were really doing? Were you guys really having some competition with a dog or something?

You snap your finger in front of the dog as it then turns its head to you, facing your open palm, you smiled at it as you close your hand and shake it, and finally open it to reveal you holding the dog treat.

"Looks like you lose doggie~" You playfully smile as you pop the dog treat in your mouth as both you and Dazai turn around to walk back to where Atsushi was sitting leaving the frozen shock dog behind.

You handed the pack of dog treats to your brother as he took one and also ate it, looking over his shoulder to stare at the dog while munching on the treat.

"Have you learned your lesson? Think twice before you bark at me or my sister next time you see us walking on the street"

Atsushi looks over at the two of you, sweat dropping as you and Dazai casually ate the dog treats but made no comment about it, and instead, he simply said "You guys...aren't very good with dogs, are you?"

You sat beside the tiger shifter as Dazai was the first to answer him "Dogs are much harder to deal with than humans"

Atsushi then trailed his gaze towards you as you gave a smile "Yeah, sometimes they're too loud and rowdy, while also being disobedient"

You heard your brother chuckled as he came to sit on your other side, the three of you sat there in comfortable silence as you three waited for the train that Naomi and Haruno were riding.

"Still no sign of the train yet, hope they're okay." Atsushi voices out as he looks through the direction where the train should be arriving.

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