「 Chapter 11 」

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"It did come true" Gide's voice spoke up as Odasaku looks over his shoulder.

"What are you talking about?"

"I had a vision that I'd be able to find the person I seek here." Gide said as he starts to introduce himself to Odasaku.

"I am Gide, I've been searching for the one that can release the souls of ghosts like us"

Odasaku turns around to face the white haired man and replied "Well I can get you a discount with a local Undertaker if you like"

"No need for that, you're just the person for the job" Gde said and then Odasaku ability activated but as he tried to make a move he's ability activated once again and a look of shock and disbelief painted his face.

"It can't be...."

"What's the matter?? I haven't even made a move yet and you're sweating" Gide smirks as Odasaku quickly pointed his gun at him.

"What did you do!?"

"I simply saw a future where you would dodge to the right, so I proceeded to adjust my aim but it would seem that you saw that future as well and compensated accordingly. Your ability to see a few seconds to the future, I know it well because I have it too" Gide explained with a smirk still on his face as a nervous sweat covered Odasaku's face.

"The predictive ability that we have is omnipotent, which is why you are the only one that can kill me and end this war. As a member of the Port Mafia killing me, the enemy leader must be your greatest desire"

Odasaku then lowers his gun "Not interested, I'm only here to help one of my colleagues out"

Hearing this made the white-haired male displease "What? What kind of Mafia are you?"

"One that doesn't kill people" Odasaku replied

"Guns are tools for killing people! You put yourself in a war zone!"

"I'm not interested in violence"


"The only thing I'm interested in is living my life" Odasaku replied and for just a quick second, you flash in his mind before snapping out of it by the sound of Gide's voice.

"Life is nothing compared to the glory of death!!"

And then it started a series of visions appeared in his mind which only made the redhead piss as every move he did was useless. Instead, he quickly dives down the ground ad Gide shot his bullets missing Odasaku the redhead pointed his gun right at him.

"Excellent! That's the way!!" Gide said smiling like a mad man but then his ability also activated.

Odasaku changes his aim towards Gide's feet as the said male had quickly jump back just in time.

"What!? Is this your way of telling me that you don't want to fight me?" Gide questions

"I have my reasons for not killing people, you'll have to look elsewhere" Odasaku replied

"Why is that?!?" Gide shouted angrily and continued.

"My subordinates and I have been wandering the world like tormented spirits! Looking for a worthy end, you are the one who can deliver that to us. You must fight me if you don't---"

"I can't help you with your dream" Odasaku cuts him off "Because I have a dream that I have to fulfill. Someday when I can quit the Port Mafia and become a free man. I'll find a quiet room, one overlooking the sea then I'll be able to become a writer. Take up a pen and throw away my word for good. Someone once told me writing a story is writing a person, a man who takes lives cannot write about lives. That's why I don't do it"

"So that's the reason why you refuse to deliver respite upon us? Is this really your answer!?!" Gide said

"That's right" Odasaku replied as Gide gritted his teeth and that then did Odasaku's ability activated once again

Gide lifted his gun back up and aim it towards Akutagawa's unconscious figure. Four shots rang out and quickly did Odasaku jump in the middle to receive the blow and tumbled backward.

"Stop this!!" Odasaku shouts his voice a bit raspy as he still felt the pressure of the bullets.

"A bulletproof vest huh? That pains of privileges after living is something we lost long ago" Gide said as he watches Odasaku drops down to his knees clutching his chest where the bullets had struck him.

"We are already dead, our souls have long left our body, delivered place by vengeful spirits" The white haired man said as he walks towards Odasaku

"It doesn't have to be this way! I don't know what happened to you in the past but you still have a choice over how you live in the present!" Odasaku said as Gide pointed his gun right at his forehead.

"Don't you see!? Only you can end our suffering!!" Gide yells as he lets out an irritated sigh "If you truly understood you would grant my wish and kill me yet you refuse and because you are the only one that can guide us to the battlefield, the purification, I cannot kill you either"

Gide then lowers his guns as he turns away from Odasaku and started to slowly walk away.

"I must make it apparent to you on who you really are."

Then a truck driven by one of the Mimic soldiers halts in front of Gide as the said male look over at Odasaku who was still on the ground.

"Then you will understand, between the two of us only one can be allowed to remain here. I hope you look forward to it"

With that Gide, climbs up inside the truck as the vehicle swiftly gave a turn and speed away as Odasaku narrows his eyes at the back of the distancing vehicle as the sun started to set.


「 We're closing in guys, I repeat we're closing into that scene. Prepare tissues everyone, I already got my five boxes here with me.

Anyways guys hope you enjoy the update, I'll be updating again tomorrow for that scene and I'm already crying like a baby just thinking about writing it.

I know [Y/n] and Dazai aren't their for the updates but I wanna show some Odasaku since you know...well you guys know.

Anywats have a good day guys! If you guys have a bad day, or feeling down since I get that a lot.

I'm just here to say that "You did your best and I'm proud of you!"

See you guys again for tomorrow!! 」

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