「 Chapter 4 」

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"We shouldn't jump into conclusions," Dazai said as he walks to your side and looks at the gun.

"He may have taken this gun off of one of them during an altercation." Dazai said

"Or it's possible that they planted it in his room with the purpose of implicating him" You added

"Yeah, I guess you two are right about that" Osadaku replies.

"I will say that [Y/n] and I did notice something odd yesterday when the four of us were drinking at the bar. Ango said that he had just come back from a deal and [Y/n] and I think it was a lie" Dazai said as you nod in agreement, closing the metal box.

"How so?" Odasaku asks

"Did you see the inside of his bag? It had cigarettes, a folding umbrella, a camera and his prize the antique watch. The umbrella had been wrap in a cloth, clearly it had been use." Dazai said as you continued.

"He'd gone for business to Tokyo where t has been storming"

"So his umbrella was wet because it was raining, what's odd about that?" Odasaku asks you two clearly confused.

"What's odd is that he supposedly commuted his appointment with his car. So when did he have the chance to use the umbrella? It wasn't before the deal, because the umbrella was on top of the antique watchand it wasn't afterward" You explained to the red head.

"Why is that?"

"Going off the condition of the cloth, the umbrella was more than lightly used. It had to be soaking in the rain for a good half hour or so. But for being out in the rain for so long, neither his shoes nor his pants showed evidence . If his deal was at 8 and we met at bar at 10, 2 hours wouldn't have been long enough for his shoes and pants to dry" Dazai now said as he thought the possibilities.

"Maybe he changed his clothes before going" Odasaku suggested.

"If so we would have seen some kind of evidence like that in his car, he happened to drive us home that night" You said as you look at the metal box and let your brother continue the rest.

"We don't think Ango made a deal, we think he went to meet someone in the rain. He talkto them for about 30 minutes and then killed some time before heading over to the bar. Intelligent Officers like Ango will sometimes chose a rainy road on which to conduct their classified meetings, it's more secure than an indoor space"

"He's the Port Mafia classified Intelligent Officer, of course he would have two meetings he couldn't tell about" Odasaku replies.

"If it was business as usual, why not say so? If he told us he couldn't talk about it we wouldn't have press any further. Isn't that right?" You spoke up as you look up at the red head who agreed with you in his mind.

"But instead, he made up an alibi. Why would he go to such lengths to hide a meeting?" You and Dazai ask aloud.

Then the cocking of the gun was heard, you and Dazai turn around to see one of the sniper still standing up as he pointed his gun at you guys.

"Well would you look at that, you don't go down easily" Dazai said.

"To be perfectly honest, we're really impress by all of you. No other Organization had the guts to go head to head with the Port Mafia" You commented as both you and Dazai walks towards the sniper.

"Dazai! [Y/n]!" Odasaku calls out as he tried to tug both of you back only for his hand to miss a few inches to grab the two of you.

"[Y/n]!!" Odasaku calls out to you this time.

You and Dazai were now in front of the sniper, Your head inches away from the barrel of the gun as Dazai stood behind you

"Can you see the glimmer in our eyes~?"

"With just the slight squeeze of your finger on the trigger"

"You can deliver us our hearts most desired~ It's like killing two birds with one stone~"

"Our only fear is that you would possibly miss your targets"

"But you won't cause your a sniper aren't you~?"

"Dazai! [Y/n]!" Odasaku calls out.

You and Dazai smirk at this as you stared dead at the sniper.

"Either way you won't make it out alive, you might as well at least try to kill one of the Enemy's Executive. You can choose between me and my sister or would you kill us both the same time?"

"What do you two think you're doing?" Odasaku demanded as he stares with wide eyes.

"Come now take us with you to the after life, please won't you wake us up from this oxidizing world of a dream?" You said.

"Don't!!" Odasaku yells as the sound of a gun echoed through the alley.


The sniper lets out a scream, clutching on his shoulder that had been shot as he screams in pain. It was Odasaku who had pulled out his gun and shot the sniper on the shoulder.

Yours and Dazai's subordinates quickly followed and shot a round of bullets to the sniper who now collapses on the ground, Dead.

"Sorry we quite worried you Odasaku~" You said as you spin around to face him with a grin.

"It was quite the performance wasn't it~?" Dazai said facing the red head.

"A performance..." Odasaku said as he knitted his eyebrows together and look at the two of you.

"We knew that he'd miss, his left cheek had the imprint of his sniper rifle meaning he was left handed" You shrug

"He was using his none dominant hand and he was so unsteady that he could barely walk and with the type of pistol he was using he would've have press it up right against one of our foreheads" Dazai said 

Slowly both of your bandages that covered your right eye started to bleed, with yours completely soaking your bandage as a lot more blood slid down your cheek.

You hissed a bit but continue smiling "We knew you would take action while we distracted him long enough---"

"Just shut up you two, I've heard enough" Odasaku deeply sighs cutting you off.

He then rummage something in his pockets and threw it to you.

"Here catch woman"

Your hands caught it and was surprise to see a handkerchief, a soft smile made its way to your face as you look up to the red head who had already turn his back to you and Dazai.

"Hey Odasaku" Dazai calls out as you two face to the opposite direction.

"Please find Ango okay?" You said as you wipe the blood trailing down your cheek.

"Yeah, I get it" Odasaku replies as you three went your separate ways.


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