「 Chapter 19 」

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Everyone in the office was startled when the door of the office abruptly slammed open. This alerted everyone as they all swiftly turn around to see who it was, only to spot you standing there.

You scan the room and felt the anger that was radiating off of you earlier dissipates, just a tad bit though. The first person you make eye contact with was Fukuzawa who stood in front of you, you blink once, you blink twice, and smile sheepishly.

"Hehehe...Sorry I'm late??"

Everyone deadpans at you but it didn't last long as all of your attention turns back to Fukuzawa who started to walk towards the door.

"I'm heading out"

"W-Wait isn't too dangerous right now?" Atsushi said but Fukuzawa didn't respond.

As he was about to walk pass you, a sudden weight fell on your head making you look up at him, although his face was stoic, you scan him over and could see the look of relief he had in his eyes which made you smile at him.

When he finally moves his hand away from your head, Fukuzawa finally made his way out of the office with the door closing behind him.

There was a moment of silence before Yosano broke it, crossing her arms over her chest still eyeing the door of the office.

"Well somebody is pretty riled up it seems..."

Turning your head at her you grin and nodded your head "Tell me about it~ I could almost feel my head get crush"

Sharing a quick laugh with her, you now turn to the others that were left in the office only to raise a brow when they had a look of shock or in an easy way to explain, just frozen in place with a look of disbelief.

You tilt your head at them as asking "What?"

As Kunikida and Atsushi were trying to form words about what Fukuzawa did, you couldn't help but try to hold back your laugh at them. From your peripheral vision, you could see Yosano roll her eyes and shake her head which you just grin.

Kunikida's mind was racing as he was trying to process what he just saw earlier. Did the President really pat your head? In front of them? Of course, he wasn't saying the President couldn't do that!! But seeing the President doing something like that in person was...out of character.

The blonde's eyes trailed towards your form once again, still waiting for a response but for some reason, the words wouldn't just come out. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he pushes his glasses up his nose.

Kunikida just turned his back as he tried to control the heat that was trying to come up at his face. Of all the billions of people in the world...

Your eyes trailed towards Kunikida and couldn't help but feel a smile of amusement on your face as you watch him sit back at his desk and slump down. Then you let your eyes trail towards a certain kitty~

Atsushi of course was also in disbelief about what he saw earlier but of course not really that shock when he also witnessed the President's facial expression almost break one time, almost that is.

A sigh left his mouth only to suck in a sharp breath when he felt two arms wrap around his shoulder. Sitting there frozen like a statue, you couldn't help but giggle at him as you lifted your arms to pinch his cheek and lean towards his ear.

"Neh Neh~ What's the matter my little kitty~?" You said as you lightly blew air on his ear which sent goosebumps all over Atsushi as he blushes a bright red.

He became a stuttering mess, trying to form a sentence that only ended into a jumbled mess, making Atsushi redder than he already was. If the ground could only swallow him right now.

ʙᴜɴɢᴏᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ║ 【Y/n Dazai】 ║ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now