「 Chapter 15 」

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People live to save themselves


Odasaku stood inside the room of the kids as he slowly gets himself ready, the smiles of the kids flashing in his mind.

Goodnight Kosuke 



Goodnight Katsumi 



Goodnight Yu 



Goodnight Shinju 



Goodnight Sakura 

Rest In Peace

Odasaku took one last look at the room before slowly turning towards the map that was stabbed by the dagger, now having a good look at it.

"I'll be off..."


After you had calmed down you and Dazai had headed off towards the one place you almost wanted to call home.

But arriving at the place, the place was disaster, firetrucks and police cars were all around as you could see them putting out the fire from the remains of a vehicle.

You and Dazai walk towards the back of the crowd of people where the two of you quickly spotted the redhead behind the onlookers, staring at the spoke from what was left of the vehicle.

"Odasaku..." you called out in which the redhead slowly turns to the two of you.

He's expression was unreadable and just remained void, the bad feeling from inside you was almost killing you.

It was close, you knew what he was planning to do, and your afraid that it might end up something that would scar you for life.

"I know what your thinking right now, but you can't do it. Even if you did---"

"It wouldn't bring the kids back" Odasku finishes your sentence as he slowly turns his head and gazes back towards the smoking vehicle.

"That's what you were going to say right?" Odasaku said but you didn't reply as you only lowered your head and clench your hands into fists.

"They still rival us in terms of sheer numbers and then their location makes them--" Dazai tried to say to him but the redhead cuts him off.

"You two don't have to tell me, I already know. They sent me an invitation" 

"Listen to us, the boss had a meeting with the Gifted Operation Divisions. We're not sure what it was about but [Y/n] and I have a feeling there's something more going on here" Dazai said.

You look up at Odasaku who turns to the two of you and simply walks passes both of you. This caused a sting in your heart.

"This has nothing to do with me anymore, I'm finished with all this"

"Odasaku, I know this is the last thing you wanna hear, but now more than ever go find a new purpose anything at all. Find something to pursue and follow where it goes. I know there's more out there for you" Dazai said as he clenches his hand.

He had to do something, he didn't want to lose his best friend, and he didn't want to see how broken you will be if that ever happens. He had to convince him.

"Hey...did I ever told you why we joined the Port Mafia in the first place?"  You finally spoke up as you and Dazai turn to the redhead who still had his back turn.

"We had hope that it would help us find our purpose, death and carnage, hope, and despair."

"We wanted a way to observe humanity's true nature and there's no better place than a battlefield. A will to live..."

You and Dazai said as you look down and let your brother continue. "We thought that being around it, it would help us find our own"

"My dream was to become a writer" Odasaku finally spoke up as you turn to stare at the red head's back.

"I was afraid that if I ever killed again I'd lose that future forever. That's why I stopped" 

"Odasaku...." you let out but your eyes widened at his next words as you watch him slowly start to walk away.

"But that dream is long gone"

"Don't go Odasaku!" Dazai called out as he tried to reach out to him, only to miss as lightning cracked.

"There's only one thing I want..." The redhead said without even turning back to look or stop.

Tears threatened to fall from the corner of your eyes as you called out to him painfully.


But your voices were unheard by the redhead as you and your brother watch him walk away until he was long gone from your sight.

You felt yourself turn cold as the tears you've been holding in finally escape just as the rain started to pour down.


As the rain fell hard, Odasaku continued walking, not even bothering as he was completely getting soak. Then he suddenly bumps into someone hard and that person fell to the ground.

"Hey! What's the big idea huh!? You should take a moment to look where you're going next time." A younger Ranpo said as he starts to caress the small bag he had in his arms.

"You could've damaged these precious detective jewels of mine" Ranpo said with a pout

"Detective huh?" Odasaku lets outs as Ranpo quickly stood up grabbing his umbrella, looking over at the redhead.

"Not any detective! I'm a genius, and soon there won't be anyone in Japan who doesn't know my name! I am the best detective in the world who has ever known Ranpo Edogawa---"

As Ranpo continued to ramble Odasaku was about to turn away and continue but Ranpo stops him.

"Hey wait!! You'll take me seriously when you experience my ability" Ranpo said as he pulls out his glasses and puts them on.

"Don't be writing myself off just yet" Ranpo said with a smile as he looks up at Odasaku.

The redhead continued to stand there as Ranpo's smile on his face disappears.

"I know the two of us had only just met, but it is very unwise to go where you're headed right now. You should reconsider, If you go there, you'll die" Ranpo said lowly as he looks at the redhead in front of him.

The rain continued to fall harder as Odasaku looks Ranpo.

"Yeah...I know..."


「 Whoever still reading this,

I wish I'm strong like you guys

This is making me weak

I'm crying like a new born baby here. 」

ʙᴜɴɢᴏᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ║ 【Y/n Dazai】 ║ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now