「 Chapter 20 」

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The moment you step out of the infirmary the sun was already setting, you didn't realize you were in there that long, how time flies so fast right?

Walking down towards the office your ears perk up at the sound of two voices, a playful grin made its way to your face and you quickly dash towards the room without a second thought.

You slam the door open and launch yourself towards the nearest person which was Atsushi. Wrapping your arms from behind him as you kiss the back of his ear.

"I~ Caught~ You~" 

Atsushi's face turns red in the blink of an eye he stayed there frozen in his place, you trailed your eyes towards the blonde that was sitting in front of you the grin on your face only widening at the sight of his expression.

Pulling away from the tiger shifter you step toward the blonde and fix his tilted glasses on his face.

"Good afternoon Kunikida~ So what have you boys been up to~?" You ask innocently as the two boys were still stunned by what occurred only a few minutes ago.

"Yohoo~? Anyone there~?" You let out as you tap on to Kunikida's forehead after not receiving a response from one of them.

You kept poking on his forehead until Kunikida finally snaps out and grab your wrist scowling, you expected him to push you back and not pull you towards him.

 With widened eyes, you stared back at Kunikida as both of your faces were merely inches apart.

"Look, enough with your shenanigans and stop doing all of those, I would appreciate it if you would focus on the situation we are in right now." Kunikida stated calmly as he stared back at you with an unreadable expression.

There was only silence at first before you tilted your head and still looking at Kunikida slowly leaning in "My, my Kunikida..."

The blonde stiffened at this but didn't move away as you then stop, both of your faces centimeters apart, noses touching. Kunikida gave an inaudible gulp as he tried to control the blush that was coming up.

Then you suddenly back away as a mischievous grin made its way to your face as you look at the blonde as you wave your free hand.

"If you're jealous and wanted a kiss too, you could have just ask~"


You sat on the chair that Kunikida had been previously sitting on with a bump in your head, which you were unfazed about as you look at the two.

"Anyways~ So what happened~?"

Kunikida lets out a heavy sigh as he ignored the way his chest was tightening as he looks at you and clears his throat.

"I had a call with the President earlier before it cut off, something might have happened to him" Kunikida explained.

You listened to his words as you fix your hair calmly saying "Like an Ambush?"

Kunikida hums in agreement as he responded "Possibly"

Kunikida didn't realize he was staring at you, but even so, he didn't really get how his feelings towards you started.

Not only that but comparing you to his Ideal in a woman you were very far from it, in fact, you were far from any woman he had met. Now Kunikida started to ask himself, why did he start liking you?

ʙᴜɴɢᴏᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ║ 【Y/n Dazai】 ║ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now