「 Chapter 9 」

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Dazai lets out a sigh as he adjusted your coat that was loosely hung over your shoulders, you were sat right next to the medical bed where Odasaku's body laid still. 

His face was blank as the moment of last night replayed in his head, the minute that all of you had arrived back.

He remembers you shouting at all of the operatives to take Odasaku to the medic and get a doctor.

You were completely worried and anxious and almost killed the doctor when they said you weren't allowed to come in.

To say the least, it was a pain to watch for him.

He then pulls up a chair next to your figure and sits down. Lifting one of his hands, he gently gave your head a pat careful to not wake you up as you were currently hunched over the medical bed sleeping.

"You really were that worried for him huh?" Dazai mumbles as he brushes some strands of your hair away from your face.

Then his eyes trailed towards Odasaku who was now stirring awake.

Dazai pulls his hands away from your still sleeping form as he leans on his chair.

"Good to see you awake Odasaku, how do you feel?" Dazai said as he watches the red head slowly sits up.

"Like every hangovers I ever had in my life just caught up on me all at once" Odasaku replied as he lets out a deep sigh.

Then his eyes notice your hunch over figure by the bed and carefully did he place his hand on top of your head and caress it.

"I went to the place you and [Y/n] told me about and Ango was there..." Odasaku said as he let his eyes were still glued to your figure.

"So it would seem that [Y/n] and I's suspicions were correct then" Dazai stated as he had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah...he disappeared into the night with a group of soldiers dressed in black" Odasaku said remembering the time from last night before he lost consciousness

"Yes, I'd say they were a special ops squad" Dazai said as Odasaku finally faces the male.

"It looks like we could divide these events into two separate categories" Your brother continued as he continues to think about the situation.

"Which ones do the soldier fall under?" Odasaku asks

"They're different from Mimic, so we can take them out of the equation for the time being. Mimic is a far more prevalent threat, they've been causing a lot of trouble in the city so [Y/n] and I assigned Akutagawaand other members of our combat division team to deal with them but we still don't know what kind of ability their leader possesses so were at a lost" Dazai explain to the redhead who processed all the info your brother said.

"So this Akutagawa guy you mentioned, he's one of yours and [Y/n]'s subordinates right? I understand he has high offensive capabilities." Odasaku said as Dazai lets out a sigh.

"He's a naked sword without a scabbard, in time I had no doubt, especially [Y/n], that he'll become the strongest member in the Mafia" Dazai said which made Odasaku perk up and glance at your sleeping figure before turning back to Dazai.

"But right now he needs to be taught how to sheath his blade...but I digress!" Dazai said then at the exact same time they heard you stirring awake.

Letting your vision adjust you blink and let out a small yawn. Odasaku's lips twitch upward at how adorable you were but would never admit out loud.

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