「 Chapter 16 」

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The rain from earlier had finally ceased as the setting sun casts a beautiful shade of red and orange through the large window of the office where Mori Ougai had sat facing the view.

Then the sound of his office door caught his attention as he then turns his gaze to see you and Dazai enter inside.

"Well if it isn't the Dazai Twins, how rare of you two to come and visit." Mori said in which the two of you ignore as the both of you stood a few feet away from him.

"Boss, we'd like to request permission to organize a gifted squad to save Odasaku" Dazai said 

"Very well, permission granted but first may I ask why the two of you are doing is?" Mori said as you and Dazai remained emotionless.

"Even as we speak, he's out there all alone, fighting against Mimic at their headquarters. If we do nothing we would lose a valuable Gifted Agent" You spoke up your tone of voice void of emotions.

There was a slight pause before Mori spoke up.

"I understand what both of you are saying, but I very much doubt Oda has any intention of being saved by anyone. I don't believe the two of you disagree" Mori said as you and your brother didn't reply back at him.

The Head Leader then glances at the two of you from the corner of his eye as he continued

"Listen Dazai and my dear [Y/n], as the Leader here, I'm both a pinnacle of this Organization as well as its servant. For the sake of our survival, I must make whatever sacrifices are necessary no matter the cause."

As Mori said that he then pulls out a black envelope as he looks at it.

This made you and Dazai gasp as the two of you stared wide eye before turning back into an emotionless one.

"Wait that envelope...I see"

"We get it now"

You and Dazai said before the two of you swiftly turn your back at him.

"Where do you think the two of you are going?"

"To save Odasaku" You two answered in chorus.

As the two of you were about to make your leave the operatives who stood by the door aim their rifles at you two who remained unfazed by it.

"This conversation isn't over yet, stay awhile" Mori said as you let out a sigh.

"We've been mauling things over for a while..."

"The relationship between the Port Mafia, Mimic and the special black ops or to be more precise the Gifted Special Operation Division"

"It always felt like this conflict is being controlled by someone"

"Such a bold intricate design could've only been attributed to your handiwork. That black envelope was your reward, for that brilliant piece of engineering"

"No matter how powerful the Port Mafia may become, we will always exist with the weight of the Gifted Special Operation Division bearing down on us in premarital fear on inciting their ire "

While you and Dazai were exchanging sentences, you had turn back around to Mori walking towards the table where the black envelope was and picked it up.

Mori didn't even bother stopping you as he just sat on his seat with a close eyed smile on his face.

"So you made a deal to wipe Mimic off the map, and in return, they agree to issue this permit to you" You stated as Dazai came up behind you to look at the document you were holding that you took out of the envelope.

"Our Organization would benefit immensely with this in your possession," Dazai said as you glared at Mori who looks at the two of you with a smirk on his face.

"A Gifted Business Permit"

"Rintaro, you were the one who helped Mimic entered the country illegally" You seethed as Dazai secretly held your arm before you would do anything and continued.

"You invited them to Yokohama, in order to prompt the Ministry Gifted Special Operation Division to finally take action"

"Correct...as a result  we now possess this permit, This practically legalizes many of our activities giving our people a safe haven while Oda tidy up the loose ends at the cost of his life, this is a true victory."

Mori said as he then glances at the two of you, Dazai still held his emotionless one but you, you glared at Mori with a murderous aura coming off from you.

"Yet telling by both of your expressions faces, you two don't seem quite happy about it" Mori stated as you clench your hands into a fist.

"Those kids...the orphans that Odasaku works so hard to take care of, you were the one who told Mimic didn't you" You seethed in anger as you tried your best not to pull out a gun and blast his head right here, right now.

"You needed the cooperation of the only person who could be a match for their leader. That's why you manipulated him."

You grit your teeth as you couldn't take any longer here and you and Dazai shared a quick look before turning around to head out. This made Mori narrow his eyes.

"Just a moment, you two are not leaving quite yet" Mori stated as you and Dazai halted as Mori turn his head to the two of you.

"Explain yourselves" As Mori said this the Operatives lifted their guns and aimed them at the two of you again.

"What possible benefit is there going to his aid now?" Mori questions

You scoff at this as you glare right at the Operatives who flinch at your gaze, almost wavering but continued to keep their composure.

"We have two things to say to you Rintaro, the first is you won't have this scums gun Osamu and I down" You stated.

"Nor you will do the job yourself" Dazai added 

"What makes the two of you  so certain?"Mori asks

"You gain nothing by doing so" You and Dazai said simultaneously.

"In the same fashion, I believe the two of you have nothing to gain by defying me and rushing to his side" Mori counter back as you turn to face him.

"That brings us to our second item"

"There may be no political gain to be had even so we do have a reason to leave" Dazai continued as he slowly turns to face Mori.

"Because Odasaku is my friend" 

Mori didn't say anything but trailed his eyes to you waiting for what you had to say. You glare at him as you look out the window seeing the sunset as you narrow your eyes.

"Odasaku...is someone I hold dear to me, Rintaro"


「 ....

I have no words guys...

This is painful... 」

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