「 Chapter 10 」

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A series of gun fires rang throughout the Art Museum as the Port Mafia operatives and Mimic's soldiers face each other. Unfortunately, a few Mimic soldiers snuck behind the Port Mafia operatives and shot them, but then a familiar sharp spear of black and red impaled the soldiers, killing them instantly.

Akutagawa walks in with a stoic face, hands in his pockets as he stared at the Mimic soldiers in front of him as they all fired their bullets.

The Mimic soldiers abruptly stopped firing as they stare in shock as the familiar bright glowing red barrier shone right in front of Akutagawa shielding him from the bullets.

"Guns are the weapons of fools....." Akutagawa spoke as he then uses Rashomon to attack the Mimic soldiers that were trying to flee away.

Sadly for them, they ended up getting impaled as well as Akutagawa effortlessly summons Rashouman back to him.

"Not even worth my time" The bi-colored male scoffs.

"So you're the one they speak of" A voice spoke up catching Akutagawa's attention who glances at the sides to see someone coming down from the stairs.

"The gifted one in black"

"Who are you?" Akutagawa questions as the stranger jump down the stairs and took off the hood of his cloak the reveal a white-haired man who replied back to Akutagawa's question.

"You may call me Gide, I am the Leader of Mimic"

"They will never acknowledge me, especially her, no matter how many underlings I defeat. So I'd like to challenge you" Akutagawa beckoned as he stared at Gide who stood a few feet away.

"I'd like to ask a question, the ability you possess is it sufficient enough to release our souls from original sin?" Gide said.

Instead of answering Akutagawa summoned Rashomon "Why don't you find out!?!"

As he tried to land a hit on Gide, the white haired male swiftly dodges Akutagawa's attack with ease. Gide then jumps up as Akutagwa glares at him.

"Nice try" Akutagawa growled and sent a continuous attack to try to land a hit at Gide who landed back on the ground and pulled two guns.

"It seems you are not the one" Gide said as Akutagawa sent a full-blown attack to the white-haired male.

Gide points his gun at Rashomon and shot it like a breeze as Akutagawa had a look of disbelief and also anger at just what happened.

"No way!! Is this one of his abilities!?! You bastard!! Are you able to read what I'd do next!?!" Akutagawa shouted as Gide had moved from his original place and now right in front of the bi-colored male who only had a second to register that Gide had the gun pointed at him before a loud bang was heard.

Luckily Akutagawa had managed to activate his barrier in time before the bullet would have gone straight to his head, unfortunately, he forgot that Gide had two guns.

Akutagawa gritted his teeth in pain as his right leg was shot, which was quickly pouring out a lot of blood. Losing focus, Akutagawa fell down on the ground as Gide pointed his gun right on his forehead.

'Damn it, Damn it, Damn it' He repeatedly curse inside his head as he glared at Gide who looks down at him.

"With enough time, you may become powerful enough to grant our wish. But unfortunately for us, we have no time to give" Gide stated 

"Kill me, Defeat means the same as death. I only regret that I wasn't able to be the enemy you wanted" Akutagawa lets out quietly as he clenches his eyes shut.

'My deepest regret is I'll never get them to acknowledge me....acknowledge by her'

"Farewell" Gide said as he was about to pull the trigger, but he let out a startled gasp as he faces towards the entrance just in time for two bullets were shot as Gide's guns flew out of his hands.

Immediately he jumps out of the way and across the room as Akutagawa had a shocked look as he looks at Gide and then at the entrance to see none other than a red-haired man.

Odasaku stood there with his gun still pointed as the Leader of Mimic was in shock. Odasaku slowly walks towards Akutagawa who was still on the ground and spoke up without taking his eyes from Gide.

"Are you able to walk?"

Instead of waiting for a reply, Odasaku effortlessly slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"What do you think you're doing!? Put me down!! Let me go!!" Akutagawa barks as Odasaku just ignored him and slowly backs away before dashing off towards the entrance of the Art Museum and headed out of the building.

"Names Sanosuke Oda, heard about you from the twins and came here to help" Odasaku said before his ability suddenly acted.

Without a second to spare, Akutagawa activated his ability and before Rashomon could impale Odasaku which the redhead had already seen it coming and shot Rashomon.

Akutagawa landed back on the ground panting "I heard of you from the twins as well, you're one of our lower ranking members aren't you?" Akutagawa said still knelt down with his head hung low.

"That's right" Odasaku replied to him.

"And I heard that you and the twins are friends, is that true?!" Akutagawa said as he lifted his head up to face the redhead.

"That's not for me to say and I never use that word lightly" Odasaku said as he stared back at the bi-colored haired male.

"Dazai and [Y/n] told me, they told me that I could never hope to defeat you in a million years..."

"This isn't the time for argument' Odasaku said reminding him what the current situation is but in a fit of rage Akutagawa snaps.

"Tell me why don't they acknowledge me!?!"

Akutagawa activated Rashomon and targeted Odasaku who suppresses it with his gun and quickly leaps towards Akutagawa who had a disbelief look as if he had de javu.

"No way" He lets out before suddenly getting knock out which was caused by Odasaku who landed a hard punch on him.

"Sorry but I have to bring you back, some friends of mine have high hopes for you" Odasaku said as Akutagawa skidded towards the ground, now unconscious.


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