Comic con

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Clarke woke up to a nice smell, as she stumbled out of the room she saw echo and Lexa eating food without her "rude" Clarke said smiling "I didn't wanna wake you up" Lexa replied "but you can have my donut I don't want it" she added, "ugh gross lovebirds" echo said while pretending to vomit Clarke kissed Lexa on the forehead while Lexa walked off to get changed.
"Raven texted and said she needs to talk to us" echo said "oh ok we'll talk at comic con which.... starts in an hour" Clarke looked at her phone "shit I gotta get ready" Clarke added
She rushed into the room not even caring that Lexa was getting dressed "um Clarke" "what" Clarke turned around and saw Lexa covering her body "SHIT Lexa I'm sorry I forgot you were in here" Clarke covered her eyes "it's fine" Lexa said laughing

All the girls met up and went inside, this comic con was for the girls and the one with the boys was next week, "girls O and I need to tell you something" raven said "what is it" Lexa asked "we're kinda dating" Octavia said while her heart raced "OMG FIRST CLEXA NOW OCTAVEN" echo squealed while hugging them tightly "congratulations" clexa said "thanks for giving me advice" raven said hugging Lexa, Lexa smile "come in girls let's go" echo said

"Ok so I'll pick someone and they will ask one of you girls a question" said the guy running the place
The girls nodded "ok first question" a small girl who was most likely 17-18 stood up "this question is for Lexa and Clarke, um ok so what's it like filming the kiss scenes" Lexa looked over at Clarke and smirked while picking up the mic "well... it's not that hard to just kiss I guess it's like kissing a guy but it's a girl I prefer kissing girls then guys tho" the crowd cheered " wby Clarke" Clarke smiled and spoke "I don't really make a big deal about kissing Lexa because we both are trying to show the LGBTQ there's nothing to be ashamed of and Clarke loves Lexa and that's ok" Clarke added while all the girls were smiling "ok next question" a young boy stood up nervously "hi I'm Tom" echo replied with "hey Tom" "I have question for Clarke and kinda Lexa" he said shyly "ask away my guy" raven added he smiled "so I've seen bts videos and your Instagram pictures and I just wanna know like most other clexa shippers are you and Lexa dating or had something?" The crowd screamed while Lexa covered her head with her hand smiling, Clarke walked over to Lexa and kissed her while the crowd started cheering louder
"We weren't really planning on telling you guys that we are together, um our friends know but we were planning on telling you guys soon, but yeah we are"
Lexa and Clarke kept smiling at each other.

Questions and questions kept getting asked to the 5 girls until the very last one
"I have two of that's ok" the young one asked "that's fine" Octavia replied "first one is for Clarke, when did you and Lexa start to have feelings?" Clarke answered "well for me it was after our first kiss for episode 14-16 of season two I can't really remember" "wow how rude" Lexa said pretending to be hurt, Clarke laughed and so did everyone else "um yeah so basically after our kiss I couldn't stop thinking about it and when we went to lA I told her, I'm not sure when Lexa started having feelings for me" Clarke said while sitting back into her seat
"Well miss Griffin, I started having feelings after our um, love scene" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the crowd replied "damn Clarke you made her gay for you" raven added making Clarke hit her in the arm,
"So yeah I kinda started liking her after that"
Awwwwwwww the crowd replied with
"Um my next question is of raven"
Raven winked at the young girl making Octavia glare at her "truth or dare" the young kid asked "dare cause I ain't a pussy" she replied "I dare you to tell us your crush" "well played" raven said "well dares a dare then" Octavia gulped she wasn't ready to tell the whole world they were dating luckily for her raven noticed and replied with "ob" "what?" "Ob that's one of the nicknames I give them" raven said while smiling at Octavia who mouthed thank you
Pretend Abby is echo thank you

Questions and questions kept getting asked to the 5 girls until the very last one"I have two of that's ok" the young one asked "that's fine" Octavia replied "first one is for Clarke, when did you and Lexa start to have feelings?" Clarke answered "...

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Liked by: Lexa.woods, Clarkegriffy, and 456,676 others

Octblake bad bitches

Tagged Lexa.woods, Clarkegriffy,,ecHOE

Comments you look good

Octblake: i know      

Clarkegriffy: raven should be where Lexa is

Lexa.woods: simp Clarkegriffy

Clarkegriffy: wow bitch Lexa.woods

EcHOE: gross y'all look trash I look amazing

Clarkegriffy: yeah for a cow EcHOE

EcHOE: at least my gf isn't ugly ;) Clarkegriffy

Lexa.woods: what gf ;) ecHOE

Clarkegriffy: you tell em babe Lexa.woods

User: omg y'all are soooo pretty

User: cute

Liked by: Lexa

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Liked by: Lexa.woods, ecHOE, and 1,466,687 others

Clarkegriffy she couldn't handle me ✋🙄

Tagged Lexa.woods


User: are they together? nobody can handle your gay ass

Clarkegriffy: raven when did I ask for a sip of your gayness never but it keeps coming back

Lexa.woods: handle what?,  how ugly you are

Clarkegriffy: wow guess you didn't mean what you said to me Lexa.woods

Lexa.woods: awe love you too Clarkegriffy

EcHOE: she's gorgeous Clarke keep her

Octblake: practicing your wanking

Clarkegriffy: oml I hate all of you Octblake

Lexa.woods: too late your stuck with me Clarkegriffy

Octblake: and me Clarkegriffy

THANK YOU @its_talia307
for adding my story to your reading list and sorry I didn't upload my gf cheated on me with my guy best friend and then told everyone I cheated on her so I'm kinda having a shit time
Anyway next comic con is next chapter so yeah enjoy
P.s sorry some of my writing is trash

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