Fine line

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(A pic of my puppy 1 year ago)

Music hummed fast but soft, heads down around staring directly at the start of a long, red silky carpet, they waited patiently for a figure to appear, out came Lexa, Clarke, Echo in bridesmaids dresses placing flowers on the rug behind them
Octavia stood nervously waiting for someone else to appear she had Bellamy, Murphy, Lincoln next to her as ''bridesmaids''

Then raven appeared wearing a long white dress, she was stunning her eyes glistened in the sun light her smile immediately made Octavia blush the way she walked was intimidating.

Raven made it to the end of the carpet staring at Octavias eyes "you look really pretty" Octavia said breaking the silence "I know your ok I guess"
Octavia smiled and rolled her eyes, even in serious times that didn't change raven from being cocky.

"You may kiss one another" raven didn't hesitate and she grabbed Octavias face pulling her into a deep kiss Octavia didn't pull away she wrapped her arms around her.

"Hey I'm Lexa one of ravens bridesmaids, when I first met raven she was telling me about how snickers are better then Mars when I told her I like Mars better she said no wonder your a lesbian- the crowd laughed- we've been pretty close mainly because her best friend is my wife but that's not the point she's always been different until she well fell in love with Octavia so she told her she love Octavia and now their married"

"Hello everyone when I first met Octavia, she was really annoying to me but Jason put us in a scene together and we really hit it off we became really close after that we'd hang out and she's show me out to play drums which I still don't know how to play we'd make fun of Clarke and how much of a simp she is, but one night I was going to do something so bad and something I'd definitely regret if 'I had the chance to' she quickly mumbled but Octavia came through the door with flowers she said she had a shit day and wanted to make it better by cheering others up that's when I realised I loved her"

I KNOW I KNKW this is really short I just wanted to show them getting married do not worry I plan on having maybe 10 more chaps and then start a new story but yeah idk

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