Did it work

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(New thing I'm just gonna start putting pics of my dog as the chapter picture)

Clarke and Lexa waited in the waiting room for the insemination, "are you nervous" Lexa asked holding Clarke's hand "yeah, I wanted kids but I didn't expect to have them this quick" Lexa laughed a little but was cut off by a doctor "Clarke Griffin?" Clarke stood up as Lexa followed.
"Do you know how this works?" Clarke nodded "no need to feel scared it's only a little pinch, if you'd like it your sister can wait outside" Lexa was quick to respond "wife, not sister" the doctor laughed "sorry wife, if you'd like her to wait outside" Lexa kissed Clarke's forehead "um sure" Lexa smiled and headed out the door.
A couple minutes later Clarke walked out and lexas head shot up, "Clarke how-" Clarke interrupted "it went well we just need to wait a few days then get a test" Lexa smiled and pulled Clarke into a hugged "come on I'll drive us home now" Lexa said taking Clarke out of the clinic.

After driving for 6 hours it started getting dark and they decided to stop at gas station. "We can get drinks then I'll drive you sleep, I'll pull over at maybe 12 or when j get tired then we can sleep I'll start driving at maybe 4 in the morning" Lexa said walking in with Clarke "lex I can drive" "no Clarke I want you to rest" Clarke smiled as she knew there was no way of convincing Lexa.

 "We can get drinks then I'll drive you sleep, I'll pull over at maybe 12 or when j get tired then we can sleep I'll start driving at maybe 4 in the morning" Lexa said walking in with Clarke "lex I can drive" "no Clarke I want you to rest" Clarke ...

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Liked by: lincoolest, Ravens.hot, Octblake and 2,465,576 others

Clarkegriffy: Lipton tea sponsor us

Tagged Lexa.woods

'Comments limited'

Octblake: YOU'RE 24 hours away!!!

Ravens.hot: why is the comments limited

Clarkegriffy: I don't wanna ruin the surprise to fans Ravens.hot

Ravens.hot: oh ok Clarkegriffy

Bblake: who got it done?

Clarkegriffy: me because Lexa has a family who can't get it

Lincoolest: I can't wait to see you

Lexa.woods: muah 💋


Raven called Clarke just as she was about to doze of
Raven: "I miss you clarkeeeee"
Clarke: "I know but I'm around 20 hours away I promise I'll come see you"
Lexa: "awww ravens a softie"
Raven: "woods your here, don't tell anyone you bitch"

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