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Ok sorry I didn't update I had to drive over to sa from vic (in Australia) which is a 3-4 hour drive to visit my dad who I haven't seen in like a year so I was busy then I got back and my dog escaped and shit but it's fine now

"Look Clarke all I'm saying is I've looked at lots of people who can donate" Lexa said walking after Clarke as they walked down the hallway, "Lexa babe I love you but don't get your hopes up" Lexa sighed "but the one I'm looking at is in la" Clarke stopped and turned around and looked at Lexa with a smile "Lexa" "yeah?" "You're a dork" "ITS A CHILD CLARKE a poor child waiting for mother's to take care of" Clarke laughed "it's not born" "we can change that" Lexa said smirking, Clarke jokingly rolled her eyes "come on let's get to work".

"Yo wassup lesbians" raven yelled as Lexa and Clarke walked in, "raven how many times do I need to tell you I'm bi not gay" "whatever Griffin, it's the last day" raven answered raising her eyebrows up and down "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Lexa told you everything" Clarke answered glaring at Lexa"yep" raven added popping the 'p', Clarke turned around and saw Lexa running away as fast as she could, "hmff" Clarke said "soooooo when are you going to start" "well Lexa is overly excited and has found not 1 but 3 donors" "haha, where are they?" "LA, she says she wants the best baby" "and she thinks la has em" "apparently, I just don't want her to rush into it like you with most of your relationships" raven pretended to be hurt "heyyy, at least my relationship with Octavia has lasted for more then a year that's a new record" Clarke giggled a little, "I should probably find the raccoon" raven smiled "aight Griffin see ya on set".

Clarke swung open the curtains to find Lexa hiding behind them, "heyyyyy babe you look great by the way and your hair is beautiful- Clarke rolled her eyes and pulled her up "come on let's film" "so you're not mad" "oh I'm mad I'll deal with this at home" Clarke said jokingly making Lexa gulp.

Clarke swung open the curtains to find Lexa hiding behind them, "heyyyyy babe you look great by the way and your hair is beautiful- Clarke rolled her eyes and pulled her up "come on let's film" "so you're not mad" "oh I'm mad I'll deal with this a...

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Liked by: Octblake, Lincoolest, jasper and 990,787 others last day of season 4 🥳💃

Tagged Octblake


User: OMG sooooooo cute

Bblake: no not cute User you're just jealous bblake

Bblake:why would I want to date my sister

Octblake: because I'm hot Bblake no just jealous bc I spend more time with her 😜💅 Bblake

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