Moody ass bitch

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Lexa: so that's why I said it would be easier if you did this instead
Clarke: and how did that go?
Lexa: she told me to shut up
Clarke: damn your new assistant is a moody ass bitch
Lexa laughed as she was laying on her hotel bed on FaceTime with Clarke
Lexa: yeah
Clarke: sorry babe I have to go
Lexa: why?
Clarke: I have to do something with raven
Lexa: ok bye
Clarke: see ya

Lexa sat up smiling because in 2 weeks she'll be seeing Clarke, yes comic con was in 2 months she just assumed when Clarke hits 9 months she'll go to Chicago and help.

"Look Clarke all I'm saying is it safe to travel at 8 basically 9 months prego" raven said putting Clarke's bag in her car "too late I've already bought the ticket and plus I'm not due to give birth until 2 weeks so chill" Clarke replied sittings her car "what about lex? Is she not going to come back with you?" Clarke thought about it, she stared down at ravens dashboard asking herself is she coming back? "Clarke?" Clarke snapped back to reality "what?" "Is lex coming back to help you give birth?" "I- um I" Clarke stuttered "I don't think so" raven tilted her head in confusion "Clarke she's your wife why isn't she coming back" " I don't know raven we haven't talked about it yet" raven sighed and jumped into the drivers seat "whatever" "raven it's fine" "no Clarke it's not she needs to be there for you I'm not having my best friend go through it alone" Clarke smiled at raven "you're the best" "I know now talk to Lexa about this please" "raven she's not an asshole but I'll do it for you" raven started the car and drove to the airport.

The plane ride felt like forever but when Clarke arrived she headed straight to her hotel room and messaged Lexa

Hey what are you doing rn?

I'm at work why

Where do you work?

LA studio why?
(Read 11:34 am)

Clarke got in the taxi and went to the studio,
"Thanks" she said handing the man money and getting out of the car, she met up with Emma who took her into the set backstage bit "she's filming right now but she'll be finished soon" Emma said "great thanks" Emma walked off.

Lexa walked into the studio checking her phone and how it said read, "still no reply?" Lexa turned around in surprise she saw Clarke standing there with her arms open, she didn't hesitate to hug Clarke, Lexa held her tightly not letting go "lex you can let go now" "never" Clarke smiled softly and kissed lexas forehead "omg she's so big" Lexa gasped as she hugged Clarke's belly
(Ok I know that sounds a bit weird but it's not meant to trust me on this)
"Yeah" Clarke responded
"Lexa who's this" Clarke looked around and saw a man standing there most likely the Director based on the clothes and headset he was wearing "Clarke this is Jake my director, Jake this is my wife Clarke"
"Lovely to meet you Clarke, ahh anyway Lexa filming is all finished for the day and comic con is in two weeks" Clarke sighed "actually I can't make it" "why?" "my daughter is going to be bored in two weeks so I've decided to go back with Clarke" "um alright that's fine" Jake walked off.
"I didn't even have to ask" Clarke said "I want to be with you seeing how pregnant you are" Clarke laughed and followed Lexa to her rental car.
Raven: so did you ask her?
Clarke: I didn't need to
Raven: what do you mean
Clarke: she already made plans to see me
Lexa: duh because I'm not an asshole
Raven: yeah yeah whatever smarty pants
Lexa: you're just jealous
Raven: Griffin control your wife
Clarke: Lexa let's let raven sulk in pain because she's only engaged and not married
Lexa: yeah imagine not being married, pfft loser
Raven: oml y'all are so made for each other
Raven said rolling her eyes
Clarke: aight we gotta go heading back to the hotel
Raven: later hoe
Lexa: softie
Clarke hung up.
(Pretend thanks)

(Pretend thanks)

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Liked by: Lexa.woods, Lincoolest, And 567,676 others

Clarkegriffy: waited 4 months for this

Tagged: Lexa.woods

Comments gross

Octblake: it's like your married or something 🤮

Murp: gold gold gold gold gold

Lincoolest: wtf Murphy you're obsessed with saying gold Murp


User: adorable

User: I love youuuuu

I know it's short but I've been busy with homework so I wanted to update y'all tmr is Friday for me so you might be getting lots of updates on the weekend anyway have a good one
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