Back to work

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Clarke woke up to nobody just an empty bed, "Lexa?" Clarke heard no response, I must've freaked her out by asking her to stay and she felt like she had to, Clarke thought to herself.
Clarke walked out into the kitchen and saw a note she read it

/don't freak out but you literally have nothing to eat so I'm getting us breakfast/

Clarke smiled, shes such a dork and then the door swung open but it wasn't Lexa it was a tallish brunette she had brown eyes and long hair
"Um can I help you?" Clarke said giving her a look
"Is lexa here?" "She was now can you get out" "OMG LEXA STAYED THE NIGHT, IM PUTTING THIS ON TWITTER" "who tf are you" raven said walking through the door "OMG IM MEETING RAVEN TOO" she kept screaming then Lexa came in after raven with food "um did I miss something?" She said "I have no clue who she is" Clarke replied "can you get the fuck out please" raven said the girl took pics and sprinted out
"I gotta start locking my door" Clarke said "you don't lock your door" Lexa said giving her a bag full of mini donuts "WHERE DID YOU FIND THESE" Clarke yelled "the cafe up the road" Lexa said confusedly "don't you go anywhere but work and back" she added "no" Clarke replied "your so boring" raven said
"Whatever I thought Octavia was taking you to work" Clarke asked, raven looked confused "OH SHIT" "what" Lexa asked "I FORGOT" raven raced out the door "oh boy let's see how long octaven lasts" Clarke said Lexa just smiled and grabbed her by the hand, they got in lexas car, "I thought you didn't have your car?" "I didn't but I do have Uber so I ubered to my house" Lexa replied, I wonder how big her house is Clarke thought to herself.

"Ok you can get out here and I'll go park my car" Lexa said after they arrived at work
"Ok lex" Clarke said before kissing her.

"Lexa's been gone for a while" raven said
"Yeah I'll go check on her" Clarke said worriedly
Lexa walked into the studio with this girl around the same height as her she had blonde hair and green eyes but they weren't as vibrant as lexas, she giggled and smiled at everything Lexa said, Clarke started getting jealous and raven could tell "Clarke?" "Can't talk right now" Clarke answered while walking over to the girls "hey what took you so long" Clarke said to Lexa before kissing Lexa on her soft lips making the blonde's smile fade into a frown "well I ran into my ex costia" ex did she just say ex since when did Lexa have an ex "oh ex?" Clarke said "well we're friends now we broke up in high school, because we wanted different life's but it turns out I'm working right next door" costia said, this girl is way prettier then me I wouldn't be surprised if a left me for her "oh cool whatcha working on" Clarke asked, the girl looked at Clarke weirdly, was it the fact I said watcha ofc this girl is posh "well what I'M WORKING on is a movie we're currently filming called "sightless" ' the girl made sure to say working on extra loud to tell me I had wrong grammar "yeah she's filming next door" Lexa said "oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce you to Clarke, costia this is my girlfriend Clarke" Lexa added, Clarke smiled it felt nice to be called her girlfriend, "well I'm Costia lexas friend it's nice to meet you sweetie" Clarke made a small disgust face she hates being called soft names and shit, "yeah I guess you could say that" Clarke said before Lexa and her walked off.

"No need to be jealous Clarke" Lexa smirked "wha"
(Get ready for the catradora reference)
"It's cute when you're jealous"
"I am not cute" Clarke said staring at her "well I better go see costia then" Lexa said making Clarke extremely jealous "no no Lexa fine I'm jealous"
"Why?" She asked "because have you looked at her she's gorgeous and I'm just-" "I'm nothing" Clarke said looking into lexas eyes "she is but I lost feelings for her a long time ago Clarke, and you're not nothing you're everything I've wanted" Clarke didn't reply, Lexa noticed and grabbed Jason's megaphone off the table and stood up on a chair "ok everyone listen up" Clarke tried pulling her down "Lexa you don-" everyone looked at Lexa including Costia "I love this beautiful blonde lady right here, I love Clarke" Clarke smiled and pulled her off the chair "I love you too, now stop being a dickhead" "you call me that a lot" Lexa replied "good" Clarke said piping the 'd'.

"No need to be jealous Clarke" Lexa smirked "wha" (Get ready for the catradora reference)"It's cute when you're jealous""I am not cute" Clarke said staring at her "well I better go see costia then" Lexa said making Clarke extremely jealous "no no ...

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Liked by: Clarkegriffy, Costia6, and 1,353,575 others

Lexa.woods: clexa is back


Clarkegriffy: we had to film this like 100 times bc you kept luaghing

Lexa.woods: but it was romantic 👁👄👁Clarkegriffy lmfao simpppp Lexa.woods

Bblake: rightttt 'Guys ____ said they love me back'

Costia6: reminds me of when we dated 'lostia' Lexa.woods

Octblake: oh hell naw clexa costia6 EWW no imma vomit 🤮 costia6

Bblake: who tf are you costia6

EcHOE: no honey back tf up costia6

Lincoolest: Lexas gf: currently that spots filled costia6

Jasper: nah get tf away costia6

Murphy: it's clexa c-l-e-x-a not lostia costia6 update I vomited costia6

Clarkegriffy: before you watch the ep spoiler we kiss in that scene 😘 costia6

Lexa.woods: how does that remind you it's a pic of Clarke and I costia6 IM BOUTTA THROW HANDS 👊 costia6

Costia6: when we use to kiss Lexa.woods

Clarke looked down at her phone and saw costias comments then she looked at Lexa who was mad, "what are you doing babe" I asked her "I'm messaging costia, come sit with me" she replied, I crawled over to her and watched her type

Costia delete thos comments

Why? Don't you like them ;)

I have a girlfriend now costia


She's not like you, she's not just a fling I love her

Ouch that's gotta hurt getting called a high school fling by Lexa Clarke thought

You're right I'm sorry
Won't happen again
[read 11:37 pm]

Yeah I added costia just to be a bitch anyway it's like 7:30 pm in Australia rn i dunno what time it is for you but goodnight

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