The Watcher's nightmares

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In the deep jungles of hermitcraft, there was a grand mansion, surrounded by a gigantic tree, a magical village and various other structures. The sole resident of this mansion was a short, blonde and chaotic fellow. His name was Grian. Most knew him for his silly antics and child-like behavior. What very few knew about him, however, was his violent past, and the ghosts that haunted him.
"Watcher 3, you have done your job quite beautifully." said a mysterious figure, with another being nodding in approval,"Your power, it's quite chaotic but it does the job well, Watcher 3. I must say, I'm impressed."
The person in question was on his knees with his fists repeatedly striking the ground, as it bled with no end and tears streamed down  his face. "I killed ....them..all" whimpered Watcher 3. "You.....YOU made me do this !" shouted the being known as Watcher 3, as he pointed a sword at the other ones. "Go on, hit us" said Watcher 1 with a mocking tone.
Watcher 3 pounced at them, like a tiger hungry for its prey. He slashed at them with his sword, but alas! It was useless as they simply dodged out of the way.
"Where are merciless bastards" Watcher 3 swore under his breath. An air of suspense surrounded him as a mysterious fog materialized out of thin air. Watcher 3 was scared.
"Reveal yourself you-" Watcher 3 was cut in his shout by a chop to his neck, effectively knocking him out.

A sweaty blonde woke up from his sleep, evidently shaking from the he just had.
"Not again" sighed Grian as he looked at his ender chest that housed his Watcher mask, the one he used to wear before he came to Hermitcraft.
"I shouldn't disturb anyone" wondered Grian as he reached for his axe. "But X did say to talk to someone when I had these nightmares" Grian countered his own thoughts.
"Let's see who's awake now first " Grian said to himself. He flew up to the top of his mansion with an elytra to his back and an axe on his right hand. "Iskall is probably asleep" wondered Grian "Scar said he would need help with the interior for a shop, so he would be sleeping as well" he thought. "Yeah, I should probably just go back to sleep. Better keep my problems to myself-" Grian stopped in mid-monologue as a message beeped on his communicator.
'Mumbo Jumbo was slain by a zombie'
"Wait, Mumbo is at his base then what is he doing ?" Grian said to himself.
He picked up his axe and flew over to Mumbo's base, only to find him battling a zombie with full netherite armour. Mumbo, noticing his arrival, greeted him mid-fight, albeit with a surprised look " Hey G, what are you doing here ?", "Want me to kill it, or are you gonna fight him till your armour breaks ?" replied Grian with a smirk. "Oh you,fine then, kill him" sighed Mumbo. Grian lunged at the Zombie with his axe in his hands and split him in half as he vanished into thin air, dropping some rotten flesh and the armour. "Been having nightmares again, have you ?" enquired Mumbo. "Yeah, but I don't think I need to talk anymore. Mind if I take the sofa ?" asked Grian. "Make yourself at home" said Mumbo. And the little blonde gremlin, dozed of to a dreamless sleep. Mumbo took pity on his oldest friend and slid a blanket over him. What he did not expect was what he heard next."Thank you Mumbo" said Grian in a groggy voice.
"You are welcome Gri" said Mumbo as he sat beside the sofa, resting his head on a handle of it, dozed of to sleep.

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