All the king's horses

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"We can't beat them, not like this" said Cub.
They were at the H.E.P headquarters, waiting for their mayor. Their recent fight had taken a huge toll on them. False's arm had to be amputated and Xisuma made her a bionic one. Xisuma wasn't faring that well either. He suffered from severe spine damage. One more hit to the spine, and he would have been dead. Bdubs wasn't in a good condition either. That hit he received from Grain had almost broken his legs. They were out of Regeneration potions so they had to do it the old way. Bdubs legs were in a cast.
"I'm late, sorry." said Scar as he entered the room and sat on his throne. "So, Scar, do you have an actual plan instead of just like hitting them with everything we've got." said Xisuma in a cold tone.
Xisuma had been growing resentful of Scar day by day. His recklessness and impatient behaviour was at the root of this. The only reason Xisuma hadn't left his side was so that he could make sure that the other members don't get hurt because of him. That was, after all, the duty of an admin. Taking care of your fellow hermits.
"I've got one. Grian is losing control of his powers and I think we can use that to our advantage." said Scar, earning a few mutters from the rest of H.E.P.
"How so ?" asked False.
"He can't control his powers that much so he will refrain from using them. That just means we have a huge advantage over them. I say we siege their headquarters with everything we've got and take the mycelium source block from them." said Scar with a confident smirk, thinking he had won them over with his plan.
"How do we know that you can still take Grian on ?" asked Bdubs, shocking Scar. He didn't expect him of all people to question him like that. But he was right, after all, Grian had put him in a cast.
Scar put his hands in front of him and said, "Bibilio eresio". The books behind Bdubs floated out of their shelves and made their way to Scar.
"Oh right, you're a wizard." said Xisuma, remembering how Scar first spawned on the spawn island, wearing wizard robes and with a grey beard.
"Protesius....Bellion" said Scar, and a projection of Scar's and Brian's fight appeared on the table. And then they saw it when Scar punched Grian, the red sweatered blonde was sent flying into Tango's rocket shop. That was no ordinary feat of strength. Even a strength potion couldn't make that happen. Scar was right, he can beat Grian and so they concurred to his plan.
Little did they know that they weren't the only ones who heard that plan. On top of the H.E.P headquarters, a creeper hybrid with a robotic arm was dressed in a black suit. Goatman had recorded everything and to be honest, he was scared as well. But he carried on with his job, jumping from the roof of the building and used his cape to float all the way to the headquarters.
"We've to prepare the zoglins Doc. Now" said Impulse as he got up from his seat, with Doc following suit. A nod from their leader was all that was needed for Impulse and Doc to start working right away. The recording had shook them to their core. H.E.P had what seemed to be an infinite arsenal while theirs was almost finished.
"Damnit ! I totally forgot he was a wizard." cursed XB, with the others nodding in agreement. Wizards have always been a pain to deal with. They could go from being as weak as a zombie, to being as terrifying as a wither. All that they needed to turn the tide of the battle was an incantation, a simple incantation. That's what made them so unpredictable. But the most scared of them all was Grian. He had seen, no, felt first hand how strong Scar was. If he was strong enough to almost kill him with a single punch and on top of that he was a wizard, they really didn't stood a chance, not if they went all out.
"I've a plan" said Grian, getting the undivided attention of the Resistance. "Why don't we just go all out ?" he said. "Just hit them with everything we've got. Iron golems, zoglins,everything. That will definitely send them back. If they are trying to take the source block then let them. We'll have two parties. One will defend the base while the other will lead an all out on the Town Hall."
This seemed to convince almost all of the members. Almost all of them. As the other members got up from their seats to get their work done before the big fight, only one remained seated.
"You know that plan is not going to work Grian. You know it better than me." said Ren.
"What are you talking about ?" said Grian nervously. 'Did Ren see through my facade that easily ?' he thought.
"The others might not have an idea of how strong Scar is but I've seen him one-shot you just this morning Grian, and he didn't even use a spell" said Ren, as he got up from his seat.
"But if we-" Grian was cut off by Ren, who had seemingly read his mind.
"What if all the king's horses aren't enough, what if Scar still destroys us all. That's what I am asking of you Grian, do you have a backup plan, a plan that promises certain victory over them , no matter how hard it gets." pleaded Ren.
Grian didn't know what to say. To be honest, Ren was right. He didn't have a plan like that. He didn't , until his eyes caught sight of his ender chest. He had a plan now's reprucussions would be irreversible.
But he still looked at Ren, and gave him the answer he wanted, no, needed to hear. "One" he said with a smile as he put on his elytra and took off for his home.
But Ren wasn't happy with the answer he got. He was even more worried now. That smile wasn't of a man that had a plan. That was the smile of a man who had accepted his fate, who knew what he had to do, who knew that he had to die. It was too late to stop Grian now, so it's just better if he accepted it and that's what he did.
" friend."

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