Return of an old hero.

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Iskall was walking around the meeting table at the Resistance base, thinking over his options as he did so.
"You have to do something Grian !" Iskall shouted at the Resistance leader who appeared to be deep in thought. This was truly unnatural for the chaotic blonde, and it as unsettling as it was necessary, he was the leader after all. "I'm thinking" replied Grian, trying to concentrate by the looks of his face. "Well, your thinking isn't going to bring Stress back !" countered the frustrated Iskall. "Grian, he does have a point." said Ren"If we don't do something now,it might be too late. You know what happens to someone when they get tortured too much." finished Ren, with the others nodding in agreement. "Ren's right Grian, we have to do something now. We have to rescue her." said the ever guilty Impulse, still blaming himself for the whole situation. "That's it." said Grian, surprising Iskall. "I have got a plan." said the now confident Grian, taking out a map of the shopping district and laying it onto the table. "The HEP headquarters and the Town Hall are on two different sides. So, I will distract all the HEP members and make them come out of the HQ to kill me, and I will do the same with the mayor . Now Iskall, Etho and Jevin. You guys know how to fight and so you three will go to rescue Stress. The rest of you will defend the base, in case of a counter attack. Any questions ?" finished Grian, smiling at his perfect plan. "What about you ? You can't possibly take all of them out on your own and they will have weapons." said Etho, worried at the notion of his leader trying to fend off 7 people at once. "I think it's time I show all what happens when I go all out" said Grian, approaching his ender chest, only to be blocked by a scared Iskall. "Grian, don't. Don't you dare put on the mask." said a terrified Iskall, afraid of losing the only close friend on his side to the powers of that damned mask. "It's not what you think Iskall, I haven't wore that mask in ages, the one I am going to wear is the one I put down last season." said Grian, walking past Iskall and opening his ender chest. "Prepare for an all out raid, Impulse. I think it's time we show them what happens when you make the Resistance angry." said Grian, taking the ender chest and vanishing through the nether portal.

It had been five days since her capture. And by Notch was it awful. The HEP had no sympathy for her. They treated her like an object, not even a prisoner. They tortured her for information, beated her with sticks, tridents and swords. Slashed at her with axes and then make her pass out by throwing her into her prison cell when she was at the brink of death. There she was given pints of regeneration liquid, only to be tortured again. "Tell us how to enter the resistance base. Now !" shouted Scar, taking a sword from the wall and slashing at her face, making her bleed from her cheeks. "I friends...down again."cried Stress. The pain was overwhelming and her cold, bloody clothes didn't make it any easier. And she passed out again. "Tie some chains to her hands and hang her by them." Cub ordered to Bdubs and Xisuma, the former reluctantly doing so. She was left there, crying to herself and gripping onto her sanity by a thread. She did so only because of the thoughts of her friends in the Resistance, how they will save her, how...Iskall will save her. These thoughts kept her from dropping into insanity, from going mad, from losing herself in the blood-soaked pain dealt by HEP.

It was 6 in the evening. The sun had set and the shopping district was covered in a heavy fog. It was the perfect time to strike. All they needed was a distraction. That task was on Grian's shoulders. But he was nowhere to be found. That was until, a firework went out in the sky, direction the attention of all HEP members. Everyone knew that this was Grian's method of signalling, but the person they saw amidst the fog wasn't Grian. It looked to be a figure of 5' 6", male going by his stature. It seemed to be wearing a brown trench coat and a dark hat that hid his face. It held a trident in his hand and had another weapon by its side. Cub, fearing that it might be an enemy, shot an arrow at him. What happened next, wasn't expected by either side but was greatly appreciated by the Resistance. The figure had seemingly teleported in front of Cub and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying into Bdubs, who dodged the unconscious pharaoh. "Who the hell are you ?" shouted Scar, readying his sword by his side. "Scar, right. Grian told me about you, said you can't take a hit." said the ominous figure, seemingly disappearing out of sight, his voice coming from the fog. "You still didn't answer his question !" shouted Bdubs, who readied his sword to strike at a moments notice. "I don't like swords, they are too slow." said the mysterious fellow, throwing his trident at Bdubs, who barely managed to dodge it. "As if you can use a trident" muttered Bdubs, those being his last words, if one wasn't to count the scream that followed his beheading, by the same trident he had ridiculed moments ago.
"What the-Bdubs ! Reveal yourself you murderous bastard. I will have you arrested." screamed Scar, terrified of the new comer who had effortlessly taken care of his two assistants. "Look behind you." said the vigilante and as Scar complied, he came to realize who it was that he had been screaming at. A feathery fabric, closely resembling a chicken's head masked the figure's face. "Recognize me now ?" said the vigilante in a mocking tone. "Poultry man" gasped Scar, ending his words with a scream as he was stabbed with an axe in his chest. "You deserve this. You know why." said Poultry man, those being the last words Scar heard before he woke up in his bed, having respawned. Poultry man took off his mask, revealing himself to be Grian. "Haven't done this in months, Notch is it fun " said Grian to himself, preparing his elytra for a quick flight to the HEP headquarters to take care of the rest. "Let's go" said Grian as he took off at breakneck speed, towards the HEP headquarters, where his fellow comrades needed his help, quite desperately I am afraid.

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