The Aftermath

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"Grian, I think I will be leaving the Resistance now." said Iskall, standing up from his chair, his words shocking the rest of the members. Grian, however, was calm and was nursing his broken hand. "Yeah you can go." said Grian, getting up from his chair. "Grian, but you said that no one can quit the Resistance." said Stress, still not believing Iskall's words. "Iskall isn't quiting the Resistance, he is just leaving it." said Grian as he took out his trident from a stand. "But I am quiting-" Iskall tried to speak, but was cut off by Grian, "Not until she leaves as well" said Grian with a smirk, as he put on his jacket. "You can go Iskall, you don't need to go to the raids, the patrols or defend the base. You got what you came here for, you got Stress back alive and healthy. You don't need to be here and I understand that. It's okay. You can go. But wear something warm first, it's cold out there" finished Grian as he put on some armour and his helmet. "Where are you going ?" asked Impulse, noticing Grian's actions. "I'm gonna escort him. Make sure no one tries to kidnap him on the way. We can't afford another rescue mission." replied Grian, as he beckoned Iskall to follow him and he complied."Oh, today's day off. You can do whatever you want." said Grian, before vanishing in the nether portal. The others rejoiced at the announcement, discussing the things they would do. "What are you gonna do ?" asked Xb as he reclined on his convertible chair, sipping on a drink as he did so. "Have a relaxing day in my base and just chill out." replied Impulse as he passed around bowls of mushroom stew. "I gotta run some errands" said Jevin, sipping on his coffee. "Get some progress done on my base" said Ren as he sat down on his chair with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Get some work done, hang out with Iskall, just the usual." said Stress who was eating her stew. "Speaking of Iskall,you should have seen him when we played the recording in front of him. It was pretty damn funny." said Etho, who got up from his chair and approached the ender chest. "What did he do exactly ?" asked Stress, curious at Iskall's reaction. "Pretty much broke my arm and made Grian break a sweat. But it was pretty funny." replied Etho, putting on his jacket. "So he went on a rampage." said Stress, surprised at the answer. "Considering the injuries Etho had, I think he did." said Ren, finishing his stew and putting the bowl aside. "Damn" said Stress in reply and quickly finished her stew, placing the bowl aside and got up. "Well then, see you tomorrow." said Etho as he took off with his elytra to his back and some fireworks in his hands. "I guess it's bye for now then." said Stress as she got dressed for the weather. "Bye" said the rest of the members, as Stress took off for her base.
"We've got to do something about this." said Scar, smashing his hand into the meeting table. "Calm down Scar, we've got plenty of time and opportunities, we can- " Xisuma was cut off in his speech,"It doesn't matter X, what matters is the fact that we lost last night's fight. We let them get away. " finished Scar, still angry with what happened last night. They had lost a prisoner,lost the fight and their experimental army. They had nothing else in their arsenal, or so Scar thought. "Do we have anything else that we have not used on the Mycelium Resistance ?" asked Scar, glaring at his teammates. "All the experimental mobs are dead." said a scared Tango as he looked down, afraid to meet Scar's eyes. " The weapons are finished. Etho and Grian made short work of our new swords and axes." said a terrified Bdubs, afraid of getting yelled at by Scar. " I know of a thing that us beat Grian's new power." said the old Pharaoh, finally meeting Scar's eyes. "What is it ?" asked the mayor, walking towards the main window of the room. "There are rumours of a....powerful strength potion. One that grant the drinker unimaginable power. There's one drawback though." said Cub, glancing towards Scar as the latter looked over the shopping district. "What's that ?" asked the once wizard. "Legends say, that one acquired this potion and drank most of it but the power it imbued upon him drove him insane. He slaughtered his own family, his tribe. They say that he could destroy a mountain with a single punch, that his power kept rising after he drank it, that after a while, the power was too much for him to handle." finished Cub, taking a glass of water in his hand. "What happened to him ?" asked Scar, finally looking at his old friend. "He blew up and died. And get this, he didn't respawn after that." said Cub, drinking his glass of water.
"He just couldn't handle the power. We'll be fine. So I assume you have got a map with you." said Scar as he sat on his chair. To his delight, Cub responded in affirmative and handed him the map. As Scar took the map and examined it, an expression of glee spread through his face. He was finally going to beat Grian and end this war, "Let's see who's on top now, Grian"

The lead Architech looked over the jungle area from his mansion and contemplated the events that took place that week. They had managed to sabotage one of HEP's raids and escaped from their grasps. They had stopped them from blowing up their shops, but they got overconfident and sent Stress as a spy, right into the trap HEP had laid for them. Stress got captured and was tortured mercilessly but her determination was strong enough to make her pull through. They got Iskall to join them and rescue Stress and that went wonderfully, apart from the several injuries they had suffered of course. It had been one hell of a week and honestly, Grian wanted to take a break. But he knew that wasn't possible, not with Scar hell bent on destroying the Mycelium Resistance. He wanted it to be like the good old times once again, times when he, Mumbo and Iskall would spend their evenings relaxing in their bases, times when he and Scar were still friends, times when everyone was friends with one another but it was foolish to imagine that,and he knew it. He thought what would have happened if he just accepted Scar's merciless reign on the shopping district, if he had just endured like many others. But what Scar was doing wasn't right and if he hadn't stepped up to do something, someone else would have and he was sure of it. Coming out of his thoughts, Grian looked over the jungle area. It had prospered so much over the year. It looked absolutely stunning with Scar's village in the foreground and Iskall and Mumbo's bases in the background. And then he spotted something in the sky. It appeared to be flying and was a human but quite tall. It wore a black vest with a white shirt underneath and it's red tie shone in the sky, like a torch in the night. It was a man of over 6 feet, it wore a black vest and white shirt with a red tie. It had to be him, Grian thought and so he jumped down from his balcony, his elytra spreading out and making him fly towards his best friend's base. And as he landed, he saw the mustached-spoon in the flesh.
"It's been a month." said Grian, smiling for the first time in days.
"It has indeed"

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