Grian goes on a rampage

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Etho had died moments ago, his last words invoking a sense of dread and anger in Grian. The anger that led him to do as he said, "Go all out". He had finally tapped into his inner power, and to say it honestly it wasn't as overwhelming as he expected it to be. The last time he put on the mask, the last time he felt that power coursing through his veins, he had lost himself within it. He had gone insane, killing everyone in his path and had stopped when he realized what he had done. The power he felt now was his own. It felt as if it was always there, inside him. Just waiting to awakened, waiting to be called to action. It didn't grant him his wings or his mystic powers, he was sure of that. But what it did grant him was power, both mental and physical. He stood there, in front of the HEP headquarters, guarding it from anyone who meant ill for the Resistance members. And then he heard what he had wanted to hear all this time, the thing Etho gave his life for. Iskall and the others were back, almost. Now all he had to do was maintain this power and escort them to the Resistance base. That was going to be the hardest part. "That..power" whispered False, as she gained consciousness after having a vial of regeneration potion forced down he throat. "I know. " said Xisuma, helping her up on her feet as she clutched her shoulder, where her hand was supposed to be hadn't it be cut off by Etho. Up in the skies, one could see 4 figures flying together with a fifth one far behind. And when the four landed, the tables had turned in HEP's favour. It was Scar, Cub, Bdubs and Tango and they were here for revenge. And Grian, being the sarcastic leader he was, welcomed them with open arms. "Come on, come on. Finally woke up did ya ?" mocked Grian, but it didn't incite the reaction he was expecting, as what he heard next sent shivers down his spine. "Release the ravagers." ordered Scar, clutching his sword as he did so. "But-" Xisuma was cut off , "We dont have time for buts X ! Release the goddamned ravagers or get out of my sight." shouted Scar, angry at Xisuma for his inability to carry out orders instantly. Xisuma, knowing that he had been defeated, simply bowed and approached the console. "Grian !" a muffled voice was heard from the HEP headquarters, which the Grian recognized to be Jevin. "Come out quick." said Grian, guarding the entrance. "Surround them." said Scar and the rest of the members, bar Xisuma, obliged, doing exactly what he said so. Grian, noticing the faint shadows of his comrades, helped them out of the HEP headquarters and onto their feet. "Iskall, take Stress and go to the base, you will be safe there." said Grian, handing them his communicator, "Take this and tell them to prepare two beds and some regeneration potions." and Grian continued, "Jevin, can you fight ?" and much to Grian's surprise, he replied in affirmative. As Iskall and Stress tried to escape from the fight, they were blocked by Bdubs, holding a sword in his hand. "Where do you think you are going ?" said Bdubs, pointing his sword to Stress. That was the last he ever saw his sword, as an axe came from the sky and cut his sword in half. "What the- who is there ?" shouted Bdubs, jumping back as he did. It was Etho who had thrown that axe, he was the fifth flyer, and he too had come for revenge. He landed in front of Bdubs, his white hair blowing in the wind as it always had. His red eyes giving off a malicious gleam as he smirked at Bdubs, "You have no idea what you are in for." said Etho, taking his axe up from the ground, scaring Bdubs off as he ran to towards Cub, to safety. Iskall and Stress seemingly disappeared out of sight, "Probably learned that from Grian" thought Scar as he approached the console. "Now then G, let's see if you are powerful enough to kill this." said Scar as he pressed a button on the console, and the ground opened up, revealing a platform that housed a ravager in it which charged at Grian. The now Watcher, having no other choice, charged at the ravager. As the ravager tried to impale him on its horns, the Watcher caught them but struggled to keep up. The ravager's power was too much to contend with and so he applied a technique he had learned in his time as a Watcher. He took out his fist and striked the neck of the ravager, killing it instantly. "What the- he...he killed it !?" said Cub, surprised that he was able to take out a ravager hybrid of his own creation. And the fight broke out once again, but this time it was in favour of the Resistance. Etho and Jevin were taking on Bdubs , Cub and Tango as Grian tackled the various mobs sent out by Scar. After the ravager, he had sent out iron golems, zombie giants, mind controlled pillagers but none gave them as much trouble as the last mob he sent out, Scar's ace up his sleeve, a wither that only attacked the Resistance. But it was no use, as Etho passed Grian a trident and the Watcher threw it at super sonic speed, breaking the sound barrier and killing the wither instantly. Scar was at a loss, he could do nothing but delay the inevitable, their defeat at the hands of that monster, that...Watcher. That was until the purple gleam started to fade from Grian's eyes and Scar notices it, ordering the rest to kill him at all costs. His powers may have been fading away, but they were still powerful enough to sent the rest flying into the surrounding shops. It was late midnight, the fight had been going on for hours and Grian was tired. And so with his last conscious breath, he took hold of Etho and Jevin's hands as he teleported all of them to the Resistance base where he fell on the floor unconscious and bleeding, dying from his injuries as he did so.

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