The End

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That was what he felt when he laid his eyes upon the man in front of him.
His very existence was enough to send chills up his spine. The power that radiated from him was horrifying. He wasn't even sure that the potion could provide him with enough strength to even hurt the man, no, the monster that stood in front of him, the monster they once called Grian.
"So, are you just gonna stand there all day or are we gonna fight ?" mocked Grian, walking towards his prey.
"I will kill you" said Scar, taking out his sword as he prepared to charge at Grian.
"Good luck" said the masked warrior. And that insult was all it took for the H.E.P to charge at him.
"H.E.P, ATTACK !" commanded Scar as he jumped into the fight along with his comrades, each hoping to take down Grian once and for all. If only they knew what was to transpire, they wouldn't even had moved from their spots.

Blood splashed on the ground as the headless bodies of almost all the H.E.P members were thrown up into the sky. Grian held the mayor by his head as he thrashed around, trying to break free of his grasp.

The horror that they experienced that day left them scarred for the rest of their lives. Stress had broken down and was crying on her knees. Never had she seen such a scene of violence in her life. Etho and False stopped their fighting after hearing Stress's cries. The only thing that could explain the look on their faces when they saw the headless bodies slowly disappearing into the air as the fighters respawned, was one of spine chilling fear.
"I think we should stop this war" False suggested to Etho, as she supported her old friend to get her back on her feet.
"Agreed" said Etho, who looked around to see Xisuma typing something on his communicator. The admin knew what had happened the moment Grian put on the mask.


He sent this message to Iskall and Mumbo, the only two others of the server who knew what it meant.
As Xelqua continued to crush Scar's head, he felt a burn in his palm. The very same palm that held Scar by his face. Scar's entire body was glowing a shade of yellow. Flinching from the sheer heat of the energy radiating from Scar, Xelqua took a step back as he saw Scar, basking the glow of his own power. And there stood Scar, his blue eyes glaring at Xelqua as he took his battle stance.

"I will either die fighting you or I will die after I kill you" stated the mayor, his sword now in his hand.

"Guess it's the first one then" said Xelqua, as a staff made of pure energy appeared in his hands and purple, ethereal almost angel like wings sprouted from his back.
"For the Watchers" said Xelqua as he smashed the staff on the ground, shaking the whole island with purple cracks emerging from the epicenter. Xelqua was ready for battle.

A man, clothed in green, glided down from the sky with two shuker boxes in his hands. It was Iskall, the rescuer of the battle fatigued.

"Etho, get Xisuma on his feet and get him as far away from this as possible, we can't let him die."
As Iskall said this, a shockwave threw them off balance. Xelqua and Scar had clashed their fists and the shockwaves alone were powerful enough to shake the island.

More hermits started flying in to the island, it was the Resistance members holding fireworks and crossbows in their hands, and they were heading towards them. Xb fired a rocket at Xisuma but Etho cut it in half before it even reached it's target.

"Etho, why are you protecting him ?!" shouted Jevin as he approached the former ninja with a sword in his hand.
"The island is getting destroyed and if their fight goes on then the server will be destroyed as well, so if you don't want to die permanently then stop fighting." Etho's harsh tone made Xb take a few steps back.

"Take these" said Iskall, throwing two elytras and some fireworks.
They were too busy in making their escape plans, too busy to even notice what was going on in the fight. Scar stood on top of the Barge with his broken sword, wiping some blood from his mouth, while Xelqua stood on the ground, panting from exhaustion.
"Too scared to come down, are you now Scar." said Xelqua as he threw away his staff right in front of the scarred mayor. Scar charged at him, only to get cut by the Watcher's energy blade. Blood dripped from his face but he couldn't care less.

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