Over the edge

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It was 4 in the afternoon. All the resistance members were at the headquarters, planning their attack on the Town Hall.
"Grian, Etho, Stress and I will sneak behind the attacking forces and launch an attack on the Town Hall." said Ren. "And the rest of us will defend the base. They just want the source block so if you think your life is in danger, retreat immediately. I've changed the emergency meeting button to teleport us to Mumbo's underground vault. I've installed a secret passage that leads to the Town Hall from there. We can go to provide bac-" As Impulse was saying this, a loud blast was heard outside.
"What was that ?" asked Doc, reaching for his armour. The others did the same and Grian got up from his seat.
"Let me check" said Grian as he approached the door, but then a huge explosion took down the door and Grian was sent flying out of the Resistance base. The battle had begun. Fireworks were shot almost instantly on their arrival, blinding the resistance fighters. Using that as an advantage, the H.E.P moved in. Bdubs, Cub and Tango held their swords to the members necks while Scar approached the mycelium source block with a shovel in his hand. He was just going to destroy it but then, he was met with a devastating punch to his face and was sent flying into Bdubs, knocking out the poor recruiter immediately. Etho used the confusion to his advantage and stabbed Tango, killing the blonde instantly and threw his sword into Cub's arm. Scar immediately rushed to his friend's rescue but was stopped by a zoglin ramming itself into him. He killed the zoglin with a kick to its head and was then met by a punch of a blue slime, Jevin.
What followed next could simply be described as a massacre. Scar grabbed Jevin by his throat and choked him to death in mere seconds. Then, he laid his eyes on Xb and Impulse, and in an instant, blood was splattered across the white walls of the base. Ren was next on Scar's hit-list. When he swung his sword to decapitate the wolf-hybrid, he didn't expect his sword to cut through air. Ren was nowhere to be seen, at least not in front of him. Scar grabbed his broken nose and turned around, only to be met with a punch to the gut. He doubled over in pain and screamed in agony. Sure, he was way stronger than Grian, but that didn't mean he was more durable than him. He was on his knees, clutching his stomach in pain. And when he looked up, he didn't see Grian. He saw the eyes of a man who was betrayed by his own government, a man who had had enough. Grian dragged him by his collar, towards the edge of the island on which the Resistance base rested. Scar attempted to escape from Grian's grasp but his attempts were unsuccessful, until they reached the edge. Grian had loosened his grip just a little bit when Scar turned the tables on him. He had Grian with his back on the ground, struggling to keep up with his punches. And then Scar tried to end him once and for all, grabbing his sword, he slashed at Grian, who just used his hands to defend his head. He had almost got through his defences when he felt a sharp pain in his back. It was Etho, and he had stuck a sword in his back. Scar turned back and kicked him in his stomach, sending him flying back into a wall. But that window of opportunity provided by his injured comrade was all that was needed for Grian to turn the tables on Scar. He kicked Scar in his stomach and lifted him up with his bleeding hands, and then he kicked him in the chest, sending him flying for miles into the sea.
"Grian, we need to go to the Town Hall" said Stress, handing him a potion of Instant health and proceded to tend to the unconscious Etho. The killed fighters had respawned and had arrived on the scene. Grian grabbed a vial of Regeneration and drank it, his wounds healed in seconds.
"Scar will probably try to attack you guys so be prepared" said Etho, grabbing his sword and walking out of the base along with Stress and Ren.
"Come on G" said Ren. But Grian just stood still, his eyes fixated upon his ender chest. After registering what Ren said, he responded "Yeah", as he walked out of the base with an white mask hanging on his belt.
"Where are they ?" asked a bored Keralis. They had been waiting at the entrance of the Town Hall for about half an hour now. They hadn't received a single message from their mayor or any of their teammates.
"Be patient Keralis" said Xisuma, while he cleaned his trident with a white rag.
"That's easy for you to say" said Keralis, getting down from his seat beside the diamond throne. Suddenly a loud explosion was seen beside the barge. "What is that ?" asked Keralis, taking out his sword.
"Xisuma watch out !" shouted False, pushing Xisuma out of the way as a dagger planted itself where Xisuma's head had been moments earlier. "They are here" said False, as she helped Xisuma back on his feet and put on her helmet. It was time to fight their final battle, it was time to wage war.
"Damnit, he moved out of the way" swore Etho, taking out his sword as he prepared for a counter attack. "Ren, Keralis is all yours." said Etho, before throwing an ender pearl to the H.E.P members along with Stress, engaging them in a 2v3 fight.
Grian rushed into the fight with Ren, who instantly broke Keralis's sword. Dodging beneath the slashes of the armoured admin, Grian punched him, sending the admin flying into the diamond throne.
"Xisuma !" screamed False, kicking Stress's sword out of her hand and rushing to her friend's aid. "I think I have a concussion" said Xisuma as he got on his feet, only to push False out of the way as a trident flew past them.
"I'm not letting you escape this time" said Etho as he charged at them, only to get his face smashed in by a shield. Tango, Cub and Bdubs had joined the battle.
"So they're back huh" said Ren as he helped Stress up on her feet. "Guess so" said Grian, activating the remains of his power and a purple Scar grew on his arm. It was painful but if they wanted to win, he could atleast sacrifice his well being.
"Is that everything you've got ?" Stress mocked the four H.E.P members as she took her battle stance. Oh how she wished she had said something else then ! A loud explosion was heard behind them and as Grian looked around, he felt his world shatter into pieces. The Resistance base was blown up, the island it once stood on was razed from existence. The base he had made from his bare hands, just didn't exist anymore. And then, he appeared.
"THIS is everything we've got" said Scar as he landed in front of Grian, with a sinister smirk on his face. "Grian WATCH OUT !" shouted Ren as Tango rode a ravager into battle, heading straight for Grian. But Grian was too shocked to even register what Ren had said, let alone dodge the attack. And so, Ren tried to push Grian out of the way but he felt his leader's body being smashed into him. Scar had punched Grian, sending him flying into Ren, who was then impaled by the ravager.
Coming to his senses, Grian realized what had transpired. He had let his friend die by his inactions, he had let his friends be blown up by Scar. How he wished to kill Scar right then and there but he knew that no matter how hard he tried to, he would never surpass Scar, unless...
His blood stained hands drifted towards the white mask that hung on his belt. He knew what would happen if he put it on but in that moment, all he could think of was killing the H.E.P members one by one. He had made a promise to Mumbo, that he would never put that mask on again, but if he didn't do it in that moment, he knew he would'nt be able to live knowing that he could've done something to change the outcome, but he didn't, just to keep a stupid promise.
"I am sorry...Mumbo" whispered Grian as he placed the mask on his forehead and felt it merge with his being. A purple aura swallowed him whole, as the others watched, some in fear of what was to come, some in hope that they would finally win this war. And when the light died down, there stood a short figure, clothed in a purple cloak and sweater with the white mask on his forehead. A foreign symbol was on the mask, pulsating with purple energy, and a sinister smile crept onto his face.
"This is going to be good"

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