The Desperate Mayor

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"So that's all that's happened over the month." said Grian, as he finished explaining the events that took place while Mumbo was gone. "Let me get this straight, I was gone for one month and you started a war, tore apart the hermits again, accessed your powers without going crazy and Iskall and Stress got together. That's insane dude." said Mumbo, laughing his head off as he said this out loud. "Yeah" said Grian, as he looked onto the jungle with the sun setting in the distance, it was calming actually, after taking a break from all the fights, some quite moments like these didn't hurt. "What are you gonna do now ?" asked Mumbo as he got up and stretched his limbs. "I don't know, I gave the Resistance a day off, they have been through hell over the week and they deserve a break. You got any ideas ?" asked Grian, as he got up and put on his elytra. "Nothing really." said Mumbo as he put on his elytra. A message beeped in their communicators at the same time. This probably meant someone was using the group chat. It was a message from
Cleo, "This month's party is going to be held tonight at these co-ordinates. Make sure to do all your work before you go there, you won't be able to do anything afterwards." And the message ended. "That either means there's going to be drinks involved or it will go on all night." said Mumbo as he put his communicator in his pocket. "Knowing Cleo, it's probably the former."said Grian as he did the same.
"Wonder what Scar is upto now." said Grian as he took some fireworks in his hands. "With your powers, you don't have anything to worry about." said Mumbo with a smile on his face.
"I hope so." muttered Grian as he took off without another word.

"Hey Scar, Cleo is holding a party tonight." said Cub as he read the message from his communicator. "Doesn't matter if we miss a party for the strongest potion in existence." said Scar as he slashed through the foliage and walked on, beckoning Cub to follow him. And so they walked on and kept searching the forest, minutes turned to hours and Scar questioned the efficiency of the method. "Why don't we just fly over the forest and enter the temple ?" asked the mayor, irritated at the lack of progress. "The temple is underground Scar, the markings for the entrance are long gone to be spotted from above, we probably need to dig it up after I see any ruins of the entrance." said the pharaoh, annoyed at his friend's ignorance of his words. "It's going to take some time Scar, and it's going to be worth it."said Cub, trying to console his best friend. "I hope so" muttered Scar as he kept on slashing through the thickets and brambles, trying to find the ultimate weapon to finally beat Grian.

"Welcome to the party !" said Cleo as she ushered the two Architechs on to the stage. The stage was beautifully decorated. It had a rustic yet modern vibe to it and was really pleasing to the eye. But that's not where Cleo shines the most, there were fake bartenders made from armour stands mixing drinks and fake waiters serving the appetizers. It gave off an illusion of having so many people in the party while in reality, there were only 11. Apart from Grian and Mumbo, there were 8 more people on the stage. There was Joe, eating his meal. Iskall and Stress were dancing, probably because Stress forced him to. Tango was devouring the appetizers, with Jevin not too far behind. Zedaph and Impulse were talking to each other, while Beef could be seen down the other end of the bar, sipping on his drink. "Mumbo try not to get drunk." said Grian as he took a seat beside the buffet table. "Why so ?" asked Mumbo, perplexed at the strange statement from his friend.
" Tango is from HEP, Stress, Impulse, Jevin and I are from the Resistance, and I think Cleo invited practically everyone we know." said Grian as he took a plate of salad and some water. "So you are suggesting that a fight might break out." said Mumbo as he took a carrot slice from his plate. "We are supposed to be friends outside the shopping district but.." said Grian, and Mumbo continued his line,
"Seeing the events that took place over the week, it's hard to assume that being friends might still be an option." finished Mumbo, taking a gulp of water from his glass. "Pretty much yeah" said Grian as he stood up from his seat. "Want a drink ?" asked Grian, "You said to not get drunk" countered Mumbo. "If we don't drink anything, we will be very suspicious." said Grian, as he approached the counter. "Fair enough" said Mumbo as he ate a cucumber slice. Grian returned from the counter with two drinks in his hands. "What is that ?" asked Mumbo as he took his drink from Grian's hands. "Our favourites, just heavily diluted." answered Grian, as he took his seat. As Grian and Mumbo started talking, most of the other hermits arrived. First entered Doc, followed by Bdubs and Keralis. Next arrived Ren and Xb, followed by Xisuma and False. "Oi Grian" said Xisuma as he and False made their way to their table. "There goes my mission or wait a second..." Grian muttered to himself as the duo took their seats in the table of the Architech duo. "Long time no see, Mumbo." greeted False and Mumbo shook her hand. "What happened to your hand Grian, I don't remember it being injured during our fight." said Xisuma, looking at the gremlin's injured hand. "I tried to heal myself after the fight, you can see how well that went." said Grian as he raised his casted hand. False laughed at the comment and went out to get a drink. "You do remember the rules, right Xisuma ?" asked Mumbo. "No fighting outside the shopping district." said Xisuma as he glanced over to Tango, who was sipping on his drink and was talking to Zedaph and Impulse. "And I hope you make sure that your team behaves, you are the leader now that Scar and Cub aren't in town." said Grian, as he took a sip of his own drink. "How did you know ?" asked Xisuma, surprised at Grian's knowledge of his leader's whereabouts. "Scar always shows up for a party before anyone else. A party is his way to relax and he will want to relax after getting beat that badly, so there's no way he wouldn't come here first unless, he found something that he thinks, can beat me and it's not here, so he takes Cub and goes on an expedition." finished Grian with a smug look on his face. Xisuma was terrified, terrified at the fact that Grian could make deductions as accurate as that. "You are a genius." said Xisuma as he took a sip of his drink. "That credit goes to Mumbo here." said Grian as Mumbo wore the smug look on his face. "You aren't a genius, you are a bloody prodigy." said False as she took a gulp of her drink. And the party truly began, there were people chatting about and couples dancing on the dance floor. Some single hermits joined in as well and the party was raging. "Now, we need to interrogate Tango." said Grian as he took a gulp of his drink. "You sneaky little- fine I'm coming." said a tipsy Mumbo, the effects of the drink catching up with him. "Tango, where is Scar and what is he after ?" asked Grian. The drunk Tango replied, " You don't know. He is with Cub....after a strength potion. Cub said the drinker....can one-shot the wither." Grian simply smiled and made his way to the counter. "Dude, why aren't you panicking. He said the drinker can one-shot the wither." asked Mumbo, perplexed at his friend's calm demeanor. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." quoted Grian, as he ordered another drink. "So you have a plan." said Mumbo as he took a seat.
"I always do. Now just enjoy the party." said Grian, as he gulped down his entire drink.

"Scar, I think we are here." said Cub, as he read the hieroglyphs, and deciphered the entrance code. "Where's the entrance ?" asked Scar, holding his sword to his side. "Should be right" said the pharaoh, tapping the ground in a pattern and unlocking the code, the ground beneath Scar started to open up and the latter moved out of the way. A staircase appeared and it lead straight to the vial of the remaining potion. Scar jumped down and rushed towards the potion, with a desperate look in his eyes. And there was the potion, in all its glory, sitting above in the diamond cage it was trapped in. Cub struggled to keep up with Scar as the latter jumped above all the obstacles that came in his way, reaching his ultimate prize. He took out his netherite pickaxe and with one swift slash, he had broken the cage and had the vial in his hands. Cub finally reached the top and stopped to regain his breath. "Don't drink it now Scar, please." said Cub, but the old pharaoh was too late.

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