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Today was one of those days when Tobias wished he could just sleep in bed all day. He didn't have any morning class today instead afternoon classes which Tobias wasn't complaining about.

Only problem is that he didn't know what to do about Brie since his parents weren't even home today and the day care couldn't take Brielle since today was apparently a very important day for the day care lady.

Which gave Tobias only one more person to ask for help.


He texted her about ten minutes ago and she had yet to respond which was making him grow nervous because his class was in a hour.

He didn't want to bring Brie to his class because she would get bored and Tobias would be too worried about her than his own class.

Tobias sighed and got up. He already took a shower so all he had to do was get dressed. He grabbed a black t shirt, pulling it over his head. Tobias took his hair out of his man bun and grabbed some grey sweat pants.

"Brie baby" He called out to his daughter before he heard tiny footsteps running toward him. He turned toward the door just as she pushed the door open and looked at him.

"Yes" She said softly as she held a small brown doll in one of her hands.

"Get ready okay? We going to leave soon" Tobias said and Brie nodded running out of the room.

"No running Brie" Tobias yelled out to her before walking to his dresser grabbing his chain. He grabbed some shoes quickly putting them on and grabbed his bag.

When Tobias looked down at his phone he saw that he received a text back from Trinity. He was happy for a text back but not happy with what it said.

I was going to ask you to watch Chris for me while I went into that class. I didn't know we had that same class together lol.

Tobias sighed and ran a hand down his face in frustration. He looked at the time and gritted his teeth.

He texted Trinity back with a 'guess we are going to have the kids with us in class' before he hit sent. He put his phone in his sweat pant pocket and walked out of his room.

"Come on baby you ready?" Tobias asked Brie when he walked into the living room and looked to see she packed a bag full of rice crispy treats. Tobias smiled and shook his head.

"No baby you don't need that many. How about just two and you pack some toys in okay?" He said to her and she nodded. He took out five rice crispy treats leaving two in there before giving her back the bag so she could figure out what toys she wants.

"Hurry up baby we have to go" He said softly as he grabbed a water bottle out of the kitchen. He made sure to get her a bottle of apple juice just in case she got thirsty in class.

Tobias heard a ding in his phone as he drank his water making him reach for it out of his pocket. He looked to see Trinity texted him back.

I guess so. You think the professor will be mad?

Tobias shook his head and sent a quick no before walking back over to Brie who was zipping up her bag.

"Good job baby come on let's put your shoes on" Tobias said and helped her put her shoes on quickly tying the shoe lace.

"Daddy I thought I wasn't doing daycare today" Brie said as they walked out of the house. Tobias stopped to lock the door behind them as he nodded.

"You are coming to my class with me baby no day care" He said and Brie smiled big.

They walked to his car and Brielle quickly got inside and into her car seat. Tobias made sure she was fastened and okay before he closed the back door.

It didn't take long for Tobias to reach the campus and to park in front of his building. When Tobias got out the car and helped Brielle out, he couldn't help but worry if this was a good idea.

Brielle was a good kid but she was very hyper and gets bored very easily. He just hoped that she will be occupied with her toys and little Chris enough.

"Come on baby" He said picking her up. They walked inside the building and Tobias received a few confused looks towards him from people walking by but he didn't worry about them.

"Now baby, daddy is going to need you to be on your best behavior okay? Daddy has to work and listen to his teacher just like how you listen to your day care lady" Tobias said as they walked closer to his class.

"Okay daddy"

"Now you have your toys and food if you get a little hungry. I'll be right there but I'm going to need you to be quiet during this class" Tobias said and Brielle nodded her head. He walked into the room to see there were barely people there yet. Only the professor and three students were there.

"Oh who is this little princess" His professor said as he looked over at Tobias.

"This is Brielle uh sorry to do this but no one coul-" he was cut off by his professor shaking his head.

"It's totally fine as long as she doesn't disrupt the class" He said and Tobias nodded. He walked to the back to where there was a little bit more space for Brie to play.

"Here baby you can sit in this chair if you want or you can play on the floor right there" Tobias mumbled to her and set her down.

When he looked up, he saw a tired Trinity entering with Chris in her arms. Her eyes quickly scanned the room before she hurried to Tobias and sat down next to him. She mumbled some things to Chris before he jumped out of her lap and hurried to Brie who was playing with her dolls on the floor.

"I'm so tired" Trinity said as she rubbed her eyes softly. Tobias nodded in agreement before running his hand through his hair.

"Oh you hav-" Trinity was cut off by more students entering the room and taking their seats. She looked over to see their professor getting ready to start making her sigh.

"Let's get started" their professor said and Tobias got out his notebook to take notes. He glanced at Chris and Brie who were happily playing with each other before looking back at the front of the class.

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