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"How are you?" Tobias tried to be polite to his girlfriend's sister who sat across from him.

"I been fine." She said looking at Tobias up and down.

"How's dating my sister?" Solaria asked with some distaste in her mouth.

Tobias noticed it but chose to be nice and not comment on it. "It's amazing. She's my everything truly" he says with a soft smile on his face.

He continued. "She means everything to me and I love her with every fiber in my body." When he was talking, he was looking off to the side with a smile on his face so he didn't notice that Solaria moved from her seat and now sat next to Tobias.

When he turned his head, he jumped at how close she was. "Um" he scooted over some only for her to move closer to her. "Can you move like damn" Tobias asked her as he frowned.


"Because your breath stinks and you smell like cherries"

Solaria shrugged. "What's wrong with cherries"

"I'm allergic" he lied.

Solaria opened her mouth to talk but heard Chris's laugh signaling that Trinity was coming back to the room. She quickly grabbed Tobias by the collar of his shirt and smashed her lips to his making his eyes widened.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" Trinity screamed making Tobias immediately pull his lips away from Solaria who smirked in satisfaction.

Tobias stood up immediately shaking his head as he walked to Trinity who stood in the doorway with Chris in her arms.

"Baby please believe me when I tell you—" Tobias was cut off by her placing Chris in his arms.

"Shut the fuck up" She snaps at him.

She then stormed over to Solaria before smacking her across the face. Tobias's eyes widened as Solaria's face swung to the right at the power of Trinity's smack.

"You two timing back stabbing bitch"

"Ooo mommy in trouble" Chris said making Tobias quickly shush him.

Trinity looked at her sister with a deadly glare. "How fucking dare you Solaria" She spits out making her sister just look at her with bored eyes.

"Relax it's just a kiss"

"Just a kiss!?" Trinity raises her hand to send a punch to Solaria's face but she stops in midair and turns to Tobias who was still holding Chris in his arms, both silently watching the scene.

"Please take Chris out of here" She said in a sweet tone as she sends Tobias a smile. He doesn't question it before hurrying out the room.

"Now where were we?" Trinity asks before she grabs Solaria, punching in her square in her face.

Solaria falls back, holding her now broken and bleeding nose in her hands. "What the fuck Trinity!"

"You have a fucking husband at home and you choose to come here with your fucking son might I add and kiss my boyfriend" Trinity was beyond angry right now.

"I don't have a husband" Solaria shouts back making Trinity look at her. "He divorced me" she continues.

The room grows silent as Solaria tries to stop her nose from bleeding. "He told me that he didn't love me anymore and that it was hard being married to—"

"Did I ask?" Trinity asks her making Solaria look at her quickly.

"I'm trying to tell yo—"

"Did I fucking ask?" Trinity asks her rising her eyebrow at her. "Did I Solaria? I don't think I fucking did"

"You are so rude"

Trinity let out a humorless laugh. "You fucking just came in here and kissed my boyfriend. The boyfriend that you were racist and rude too just months ago"


"The fuck you mean and? Bitch I will—" she hurried over to Solaria, grabbing her by her hair and punching her again. She raised her fists to continue her attack but a pair of strong hands grabbed Trinity up making her struggle against their grip.

"Let me fucking go!"

"You are pregnant stop it now" Tobias says pulling her away from her sister. Trinity didn't listen and raised her foot, kicking Solaria in her face making her cry out in pain and fall back.

"You're fucking crazy!" Solaria screamed out.

"You aren't even seen crazy yet baby girl" Trinity laughs as she glared at Solaria who stood up.

"You just mad because he wanted me over you!" She fires back making Tobias scrunch his face up and gag.

"Stupid bitch! I fucking hate you!" Trinity fought against Tobias's arms.

"That's why mom wanted to fucking abort you!" Solaria screamed back making Trinity pause before she pushed out of her boyfriend's hold.

She hurried over, tackling her sister to the ground and began hitting her repeatedly as Solaria cried underneath her. "I'm sick of your fucking shit!"


"Stupid bitch keep talking shit" Trinity gritted out as she sent another punch to her.

Tobias ran over and grabbed his girlfriend off her sister. Trinity didn't struggle anymore as she let Tobias take her out the room.

"Get the fuck out of my house! You're bleeding on my fucking floor" She screamed before Tobias brought her to the kitchen where Chris was sitting on the counter eating pineapple slices.

"Hi auntie" he adorably waved at his aunt before returning to his pineapple slices.

"Hi baby boy" she sighs deeply and kissed his forehead lightly.

"Your mother is making me want to go to jail" She mumbles as Tobias let her down next to her nephew.

Chris only shrugged and offered his aunt a pineapple slice. "She's always like that" he mumbles in a bored tone.

Trinity laughed and ruffled his hair before sharing the slices with him. Tobias left the kitchen to go check on Solaria while Trinity did her rest to try and calm down.

"Get out" Tobias said after throwing Solaria's car keys and purse out of the window.


"Don't even speak my name. Get out" Solaria didn't move from her spot on the floor. Her nose still bleeding and her face already starting to bruise up from Trinity's attack.

"No" she says stubbornly.

"Okay" he grabs her by her arm and drags to the front door. He threw the door open and pushed her out of the house. Not hard enough to hurt her but hard enough to make her stumble over her own two feet.

"We will drop Chris off tomorrow" he says.

"You can't do this!" She cried.

"Boo who. Leave so I can drink bleach and get your fish smelling lips off of me" he says before slamming the door in her face.

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