Chapter 2: I Would Kill Someone For You...

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((Night: This is my OTP- so there will probably be fourth wall breakers of me just dying out of Cuteness and Fluff-))

-Blood and Gore
-Dying author again.
-Half accepted Lemon?
- Some Cringe.
⚠️Again, warnings will be placed through the the chapter! ⚠️



((⚠️Fluff warning! Already at the start.⚠️ What can I say? Cream is one of the fluffest Sanscest ships))

Dream was underneath a willow Tree waiting for Cross, you see, They usually hand out in this place for a few hours since they like spending times together as 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨.

Cross ran towards him in the distance, panting when he reached him. "H-Heya Dream, sorry I took so long." He apologized.

"It's alright Cross! I wasn't waiting that long, don't worry about"
Dream smiled innocently, not minding that Cross was late.

Cross blushed a little, feeling his soul flutter just by seeing Dream's smile.

That sweet, innocent smile of his was enough to make him feel like he was on Clouds...

Cross smiled back and sat down beside him.

"Soooo, how was your day ?"

"It was great so Far! Me and Blue made tocos, and after Ink joined us! Then we all helped Ink with checking the Aus, and helping monster on the way! So it was perfect, how was yours, Cross?"
Dream asked in curiosity,

"Oh, nothing really interesting... Just hanging out with some of the guys. We had a movie night last night so some of us including me kinda woke up late this morning." Cross chuckled.

Dream giggled back,
"So, what do you want to do?"
Dream smiled once again.

'Adorable... ' Cross thought.

"Hmmm, well, what do YOU want to do ?" Cross asked.

"Hmm, I don't mind to be honest"
Dream hummed while he leaned his head on Cross's shoulder.

Cross felt that warm feeling flush over him again, his soul starting to pound as he blushed a bit purple but was thankfully covered with the mask he has on him to cover his mouth, nose and cheeks.

"Hmm, do you wanna name different cloud shapes together? " Cross asked, pointing up at the cloudy and sunny sky, having some clouds start to from various shapes in the sky.

Dream hummed in agreement,
Then he pointed up at a cloud
"That one looks like a cow don't you think, Cross"
Dream asked Cross, but when he turned to face him,

Cross slightly froze as he looked up at the cloud Dream pointed over which indeed looked like a cow.

"U-Uh- Y-Yeah-! It really does- Hey look, that looks like a flower-!" Cross immediately changed the subject, pointing over to another cloud.

Dream looked over to the one that Cross was pointed at, his head grazing Cross's fluffy hoodie,

"Hm? Oh yeah it does!"
Dream grinned happily,

Cross mentally sighed in relief as his slight fear was immediately gone, being replaced with relief and adoration for the positive bean beside him.

After a while of cloud gazing, laughs, jokes and fun. Dream started to get a bit tired for all the work he did earlier.

Dream out of tiredness, Moved closer to Cross and sat on his lap, burying his head into Cross's hoodie,

"Hm ? You okay Dream ?" Cross asked, hiding the fact that his blush got a bit more worse.

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