Chapter 4: "Tulip~"

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This continues from Chapter 3-
So if you haven't read that chapter yet, you might be confused-

⚠ Warnings! ⚠
-Tsundere Colour
-Accepted Lemon 🍋
-Still, Authors suffering.

Warnings will be placed throughout the chapter!

((Fluff warning! Yus already-))

Colour looked dumbfounded...
Then his face was completely yellow.

"I- uh- wait- wha- how-?"

Welp, he's broken---

"Why do you sound so surprised, Tulip?"
Epic let out a chuckle.

Colour was struggling to say correct words and sentences, but can't really-

"I-... GOSHDAMNIT KILLS !" Colour screeched in embarrassment and anger, groaning as he hid his yellow face inside the hood of his jacket.

"Heh, Don't blame Kills Tulip~ At least now I know how you feel about me"
Epic smiled, as he caressed Colour's head.

Colour couldn't say anything, too embarrassed at the moment at knowing how his crush heard his stupid confession-

Epic sensed that Colour was still embarrassed, so he pulled Colour close and Kissed the top of his skull,

Colour jolted in surprise, looking up at Epic a little.

"W-Why'd you do that for-?"

"I didn't want you to be embarrassed because..."
Epic trailed off, he paused for suspension cause that's what the author wants-

((Forth wall is broken beyond repair-))

"Because...?" Color repeated.

"Because I love you, Tulip"
Epic replied, Smiling looking at Colour.

Colour blinked, processing what Epic said. "You... You love me back...?"

"Of course, Why wouldn't I?" Epic chuckled, hugging Colour tightly.

Colour blushed. "I... But... Why ?" He asked. He didn't really think that his feelings would be returned...

Epic cupped Colour's cheeks making him look at Epic,

"Because you're special to me, Tulip." Epic replied, staring into Colour's eyelight.

Colour blushed more, looking away, flustered from Epic's words that made his soul thump.

"Aww, are you flustered~?"
Epic chuckled,

"N-No-!" Colour stuttered.

Epic pulled Colour to his lap, his skull was inches away from Colour's skull,

"Are you lying to me~?"

Colour squeaked in surprise and blushed more at how close his and Epic's faces were.


Epic pulled Colour even closer, a little bit of movement could result in them kissing,

"Don't lie to me, Tulip~"

Colour held his breath in anticipation, his flames grew a bright yellow as he stared into Epic's pinpricks.

Epic voice of tone changed, it sounded more possessive unlike before.

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