Chapter 7: Accident.

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Ah yes. My OTP-
Glad this isn't a lemon too 😌

⚠ Warnings ⚠
-A lot of conversation between Authors
-Some heated up things.
-Fourth wall breakers.

So yeah, not many warnings that matter. But I put them just in case.
Anyway, let's get started on the chapter-


Dream shifted in his sleep, slightly opening his eye sockets. He blinked a couple of times, trying to clear his vision.

Once his vision was cleared, he realised that he was on Cross's chest and Cross was cuddling him. Dream felt his cheeks burn with his golden blush, he was very confused about what happened last night as he does not remember.

"Morning Dreamy..." Cross greeted as he was suddenly awake.

((Bruh- Cross- That's so creepy ;-;))

((I be scared now-))

Dream flinched.
"C-Cross-? When where you awake...?"

"Just a few minutes before you woke up," Cross said, snuggling to Dream.

Dream relaxed at Cross's touch,

"Yes ?" Cross replied.

"What happened last night?" Dream asked innocently, he couldn't really remember.

((Oh you poor innocent bean-))

Cross immediately blushed.

"U-Uh... I showed how much Iove you in an intimate way--" Cross said, not wanting to ruin the Bean's innocence.

"What do you mean by that?"

Dream looked up to see Cross's face full of blush,

"You look like Underfell Grillby- Are you alright?" Dream asked worriedly.

He managed to slip out of Cross's grip, and place his hand on his forehead checking if Cross has a fever or something.

"Eeuhhhhhhhhhhh--- You're too innocent to know-" Cross muttered, blushing even more.

Dream blinked a few times confused.

"Uhm... Okay...?"

"D-Do you want to eat breakfast ?" Cross asked, trying to change the topic.

Dream's eyelights lit up,

"If you're making it, I wanna help!" Dream said excited,

He quickly got off the bed and stood up. Pain suddenly started to fill the guardian's legs, as he was about to fall.


Cross immediately reacted fast and caught Dream before he could fall, lifting him, bridal style.

"D-Dreamy! Are you okay ?" Cross asked, worried and felt guilty, knowing he went a bit hard on Dream.

((Oof indeed--))

"N-No... I can't walk..." Dream admitted,

The pain was lingering around Dreams lower half for a few more minutes until it disappeared.

"I-I'm so sorry Sunshine, perhaps I went a bit too hard on you..." Cross sighed guiltily.

"How about I make you animal-shaped pancakes with syrup and whipped cream to make it up to you? Sounds good ?" Cross offered, knowing how Dream likes animal shaped pancakes.

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