Chapter 9: Just Epic Being A Smartass

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Author Nova: (Yes, I changed my name-) Yeah, I apologise for not updating and not being as creative.
Motivation is killing me :')

Anyway, this is an Epicolour chapter.
I have hundreds of Oneshots to catch up now- 🙃


It was evening in Epic's Au, Epic was leaning on the bed frame texting his best friend, Cross. While a certain skeleton called, Colour, was sleeping in his chest. And sitting on his lap.
Color was snuggled up to Epic's chest quite comfortable with the warmth.
Epic was messaging his fellow meme lord for a few more minutes, then once he checked the time. It was 3:30 pm.

Epic put his phone away to the side, and placed his hand on top of Colour's skull, patting it lightly.
He didn't really have the soul to wake up Colour right now.

Epic didn't need to wake him up because Color was starting to wake up himself... Epic seemed to have noticed Colour shifting around a bit.

"Tulip? You awake?" Epic question, moving the hand that, was on Colour's head to his cheekbones.

"Mmm..." Color hummed, yawning a bit.
"How you feeling, Bruh?"
"Good...." Color responded, nuzzling to him.

Epic nuzzled back, he wondered if Colour remembered what happened last night.
But for now, he's going to make sure that Colour has everything he wants.

"You hungry?" Epic asked.

"Mmm... A little." Color said.

((Kawaii: Geez Epic- don't spoil him too much-))

"What would you like?"

((Nova: He shall get everything for his Tulip- but yeah, Like Kawaii said, Don't spoil him too much-))

"Hmm... Cookies ?" Color asked. Epic chuckled a bit,

"Sure, if that's what you want~"
Epic teleported to his kitchen to get some cookies for Colour.

He opened the top cabinet where a bunch of cookie jars were stored ((Classic Epic-)) he opened the cookie jar closest to him, taking 3 double chocolate chip cookies.

He teleported back, to his original spot, Colour was on his lap again and handed him the cookies.

Color smiled up at him. "Thanks, Eppy..."

Epic smiled back,
"No prob, Tulip,"

Color blushed a little and took a bite out of the cookie, falling in love with its taste.

"I see you're a cookie lover like me," Epic chuckled.

Color shrugged. "Me, Killer, and Outer bake cookies together every time we hang out, so I guess you could say that. "

"Awhh Tulip, why didn't you invite me~?" Epic pouted, being his overdramatic self again.

Color shrugged again. "I dunno- I thought you'd hang out with Cross every day. "

"Sometimes, but he's mostly with Dream since he has a massive Crush on him."


"We were just texting, and apparently they got together and Dream is pregnant " Epic smiled.
"I always told him to use a condom but he keeps on forgetting," He sighed.

Color blinked at him and blushed. "Oh my... Congratulations to them and their unborn child I guess."

"Yeah- Just wondering how Nightmare would react when he finds out-"

".... Killer would hold him off if he tries something." Color said, knowing his best friend very well.

"Probably, Nightmare could just haunt his dreams though, But Dream will probably stop that."

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