Chapter 10: The Plan Not Going To Plan.

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Author Nova: And we are back with another chapter. This is really old for us since we've both roleplayed this months ago, like in January--
The picture above literally explains the middle part of this chapter. Dust just well... Being Dust-

Just a disclaimer, Me and Kawaii do not contend Rape.
So please don't assume anything like we're okay with it. Cause we're not and it's a serious topic.

Anyway, Onto the chapter.


It was 6 pm at Dust tale. Only a couple hours have passed since what happened last Dustberry chapter.

Dust was already awake, he was just waiting for Blue to wake up.

Blue was chained down to the bed, but not so tightly that he couldn't move, he was still asleep too,

For two hours, Dust had been watching him sleep, ((Creep-))

He had dressed Blue in his own spare clothes, due to Blue's size they were massive on him.

((Nova: Dust is not only a Psycho, Yandere, Murderer, Bipolar but he is also a Creep.
Why am I not surprised? -_-))

Soon enough, Blue let out a soft hum as he began to stir. Dust noticed this, and untightened the chains with his magic, Blue was still chained but now he could move a bit more freely.

Dust stroked the top of Blue's head, waiting to see if his Blue was awake.

Blue blinked his sockets open, looking around his surroundings...

"Mornin' Baby Blue~" Dust Cooed,
He was sitting on the edge of the bed, next to Blue.

Blue's stared up at him for a moment. "W-What happened...?"
((Kawaii: Bean--))

". . . You don't remember?" Dust asked, a bit surprised that Blue had no idea what happened last night.

"Um... No...?" Blue said unsurely, not remembering what happened last night at all.

Dust chuckled.
"It doesn't matter, Baby Blue. All that you need to know is, you did what I wanted, Now it's my turn to do what you want"

"You'll do your promise ???" Blue hopefully asked.
Of course. Now you want me to let you go, Right?"
Blue nodded.
Dust sighed
"Then I'll do it, Just hold still for a minute, you might not be able to walk."

Blue seemed to be confused but nodded, sitting up slowly, feeling pain shot up from his lower region.

Dust used his magic to unlock the chains around Blue's wrists and ankles, He then picked Blue up, carting him bridal style,

"Just relax, Alright?" Dust's voice was different, his tone was actually sounding concern for Blue. Either he actually cares for Blue or he is just a really good actor.

Dust teleported back to Underswap, the eery sound of quiet was disturbing, but for Dust, it was completely normal.

"It might take a few minutes for the reset to work, now that you're back" Dust stated.

Blue subconsciously snuggled to Dust a bit more, not liking the eerie and quiet atmosphere.
Dust smiled,
"Would you like me to take you back to your home?" Dust asked, looking down at the small skeleton snuggling his chest.

Blue nodded, not wanting to be outside at the moment.
Dust teleported to Blue's empty house and walked up the stairs to Blue's bedroom, he placed him down on his own bed, covering Blue with the blankets.

He Kissed Blue's cheeks, the caressed them with his hands.

"You won't remember any of this, but I'll always be there for you" Dust cooed, smiling at the smaller.

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