Chapter 11: The Drink.

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Author Nova: Here we are again with another chapter. This one containing the following:

-Trigger warning.
-Mental breakdown.
-Reaper being a Sadistic little bitch.
-Reaper tale!Chara committing Afterdeath.
-The God of Death being the only dom with an actual brain.

So yeah, that's about it. As always, If you're uncomfortable with any of the above. I suggest you do not read this chapter.

But if you're okay with all of them. We'll go straight onto the story.


Geno was sat in a squatting position inside the massive empty void of the Save Screen.

He had his sockets closed as he listened to the intense silence around him.

Most others would find silence scary when it's too silent for too long and some even go crazy.

But not for Geno. He's basically immune to it and loves the silence and tranquillity around him.

It makes him feel... relaxed and peaceful...Suddenly a portal had opened, destroying the peaceful silence that Geno had loved.

A skeleton wearing a black cloak and hood stepped out of the portal, making its way to Geno.

"Hey Geno~" The Skeleton known as Death or Reaper, cooedGeno mentally sighed.

'There goes my peaceful and quiet afternoon....' He thought sarcastically.

He didn't even bother to flinch or open his sockets up, already used to this.

"What do you want Reaper ?"

"I want you~" Reaper flirted,

Reaper always flirts with Geno, sometimes just to annoy him. Other times, he actually does mean it.

"I'm joking, I'm joking. I'm actually here to take you out of the save screen for today"

"I don't want to go anywhere. Now leave me alone." Geno stated.

Reaper chuckled,
'Classic geno, ' He thought, smiling.
He gripped onto Geno's wrists, Pulling Geno close to him,
"Too bad, I'm taking you with me." Reaper answered, dragging Geno through one of his own portals.

"Hey-! Let go you jerk! I said no !" Geno stated, struggling against him.

Reaper's grip was a lot stronger than Geno thought,

"Nope~"Geno growled.

"Let me the heck go Death !"

"Too late for that, Geno babe"

By then, They've already reached the place that Reaper wanted to take Geno. Reapertale.

They were in a beautiful forest covered in flowers and Vines. Up ahead was a monster, humming a tune while they were sitting in a flower field.

"Do not call me that! I am NOT your 'babe'." Geno hissed bitterly at him, blushing a little.

"You are~ you just don't want to admit it," Reaper snickered, still dragging Geno through the forest.

Geno blushed more but still had a scowl on his face, groaning.
"I can walk you know."

"Yeah, but it's much more fun dragging you."

"You're such a hecking sadist...."

"And you're my masochist~"

"Shut your mouth up already !"

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