Chapter 5: Manipulation...

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⚠Warning! ⚠
-Grab your bleach.
-Messed up, story
-Forced Lemon. ((The last one for a while))
- Blood and gore
-Manipulation. Like a lot-

-Mentally insane Dust that the readers will probably want to kill.

If you are uncomfortable with any of these, then I suggest you don't read this chapter. Yeah-- it's messed up...


Dust was walking around Snowdin of his Own Au, it can get pretty lonely when you've killed everyone. Even though he has his Papyrus, it's still not the same. Then he remembered the person he loved, Blue.

Dust decided he was going to make Blue his once and for all, it should be a problem since he knows Blue already likes him.
He opened up a portal to Underswap Snowdin, where he met a few familiar faces,

Blue was currently at Alphys' for his daily training and sparring, sweating a little as he dodged Alphys' axe again.

Dust walked over to Blue and Stretch's house, he knocked on the door three times hoping that his 'baby blue' would be here, waiting for him.

Footsteps could be heard from inside, the door opening up to reveal Stretch, Blue's brother.

As soon as Stretch saw Dust, he immediately narrowed his sockets at him.

"What do you want, Dust ?"

Dust's hopes for Blue faded,

"Nothing from you. I just want to see Blue," He scowled,
Let's just say...They don't get along very well...

Stretch doesn't like Dust either. He always believes that he's a bad influence towards Blue and he shouldn't be near him, let alone be 'friends' with him...

"Blue isn't here, he's busy somewhere else with someone else."

Dust immediately felt himself get jealous. HIS blueberry was with another monster, instead of him,

"Tell me where he is."

"Why would I ?" Stretch scoffed.

"Just tell me!" Dust demanded, losing his patience.

Stretch glared at him harder. "No."

A purple prinprik started to flicker in Dust's eye, and a bone appearing next to him, floating.

((And now Dust's going to Kill Stretch- Great-))

Stretch didn't even flinch a bit, his own summoned bone floating next to him.

"Don't make me tell Blue you were threatening me."

Dust chuckled,

"Who said you'll be there to tell him~" Dust purple prinprik flared up, he was full of determination...

As those last words left Dust's mouth, he shot multiple bones at Strech, hitting him at least once in the Rib cage.

Stretch's sockets widened, feeling himself slowly dusting as he fell to the ground on his knees.

"B-Blue... w-will n-never... ever love y-you..." He choked out with venom in his voice.

Dust just laughed,

"He already has~" Dust smiled insanely, he summoned another bone and shot it at Strech's skull, dusting him in a second.

As he was heading to the waterfall, he decided to Dust all the monsters in Snowdin so that no one can keep him and Blue away from each other again.

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