Chapter 8: Shocking Discovery

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Author Night: And here we are again. With another story.
At this point, I don't think I can catch up with where me and my sister are at with our Rps-
But anyway here's the chapter!

P. S I don't think I really need to put any more warnings. Since there's nothing wrong until after the Dustberry chapter.


Killer was starting to shift and wake up from his sleep, groaning a little.
Nightmare was already awake, he heard Killer shift in his sleep and groan as he was walking up,

The tentacle that was wrapped around Killer's waist pulled him closer to Nightmare's chest,

Nightmare stroked the top of Killer's skull,
"Morning, My queen~" Nightmare cooed.

Killer hummed half asleep, cuddling at Nightmare's chest.

"Morning..." He mumbled with a small yawn.

Nightmare chuckled,

"Kills, it's 2 pm today, you have to get up. The others have already left to do whatever shit they do,"

"I don't want toooooo-" Killer whined.

Nightmare sighed, he picked up Killer in bridal style and got up off the bed.

"Then I'm taking you with me, " Nightmare stated.

Killer groaned. "Nooooooo-- I wanna sleep moreee...!"

"You can sleep later, Kills" Nightmare walked out of his room and through the long corridors, towards the kitchen.

Killer huffed, going limp in Nightmare's arms.

"Kills~ come on... Or do I have to try and convince you~?" Nightmare chuckled, his tone of voice changing.

"Night, I seriously can't feel my legs right now....=<=" Killer reminded, unamused.

"Awh, did I really go that hard on you~" Nightmare teased.

The two skeletons arrived at the kitchen, Nightmare placed Killer down on a chair, while Nightmare went behind the counters to get something for Killer to eat.

"Shut up..." Killer huffed, magically taking his phone out to chat with either Color or Outer.

Nightmare found some chocolate, he didn't really have much to make something for Killer so the chocolate would be good enough for now.

Nightmare looked over at Killer, noticing the phone,

"Who are you talking to...?"

"Outer." Killer replied, sending a silly emoji to his other bestie.

Nightmare walked over to Killer handing him the chocolate bar,

Nightmare sat down next to Killer. Then he picked Killer up, placing him on his lap, watching what the two skeletons were texting about.

Killer gladly took the chocolate bar ate took a bite out of it.

'There's gonna be a meteor shower tonight! Wanna come see it together?' Outer chatted.

'Hmm, sounds fun.' Killer chatted back.

"You're not going." Nightmare simply said out of jealousy,
Even if Outer and Killer were just friends, that doesn't stop Nightmare from being overprotective and jealous.

"And why not?" Killer asked, having a 'brow' raised.

"Because I don't want you going out." Nightmare replied, still feeling Jealous

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