Chapter 6: Pretend Love?

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Finally! A chapter that isn't Lemon-

-A relationship actually working out.
-For once it's not Cringe heaven.
-Wholesome moments-

Yeah, I'm not really going to warn you readers about this. Since this chapter is actually alright. There is nothing to worry about--


Ink shifted a little as he slowly started to wake up, feeling numb and limp at the same time.
Error was still asleep at the time, he was hugging Ink while Ink did hug back.

He slowly started to wake up when he felt movement,
Ink yawned a little, blinking his sockets awake as his vision started to clear...

Error heard Ink yawning, and knew he was awake,

"Mornin' Kiki," Error said tiredly, trying to get up.

"W-Wha-?...." Ink asked. Once his vision was set, the first thing he saw was Error.

Ink became silent for a moment before letting out a screech and quickly scrambled away from Error, resulting in him falling off of the bed.

Error looked down at the Skeleton who just fell off the bed, chuckling silently to himself,

Error extended his arm to Ink so that he could get up.

Ink scrambled away from him more, hyperventilating.


Error sighed, knowing that Ink would have acted like this. Especially after what he did to him,

"Just take my hand, you won't be able to stand properly, Ink"

"No !" Ink shouted, backing himself up into a wall.

Error didn't say anything, he got up off the bed, and walked closer to Ink, still keeping eye contact.

Once he was in front of Ink, he bent down and squatted down to Ink's level,

Ink hissed at him, backing away more, a scowl on his face.

"Look I'm sorry for what I did. I just lost control again" Error said, looking away feeling a bit of guilt but didn't show it,

"Yeah right, like I'd believe you." Ink scoffed.

"Ya know. I can't control myself around you, Ink. You literally make me crazy"

"Then let me go. Simple! Now you won't have to be 'crazy' around me." Ink stated.

Error sighed

"You don't get it. Do you? You think it's all a joke. If I could of let you go, I would of! But something about you makes me want to you to stay with me" Error replied, his cheeks heating up a bit.

"You disgust me...." Ink growled, his pinpricks turning into a red target and a red circle.

Error scoffed,

"Fine. Let's see you walking or standing up. I wouldn't recommend it though. It will hurt like hell"

Error started to make his way to the door, closing it shut but not locking it.

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